My new "home"

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Great! I got caught and now it's going to be impossible for me to run now! He's going to be on my tail! I was guided by "master" to the room was was sleeping in. I entered the room. My face to normal was to freaked out. It looked like my room was ready for a honeymoon!! Ok, I need to make traps in case is anyone tries to come in and rape me.
"You like it?" He asked.
"If your asking for "that" than NO!" I said and saw him look sad, I knew he wanted to do "that"!! That sick perv!!
"Oh well, good night." He said and walked off. I entered my room, it was nice and spacious. I locked the door to make sure no one comes in. I put string traps, to launch knifes and mouse traps on the floor so it can hurt the intruders feet. When I was finished with the traps, I went in bed an fell asleep. That bed was really conferable. My back felt a lot better than sleeping on stone floors for ages.
*3 hours later*
Sleeping peacefully, dreaming about the classical the prince in shining armor comes and save me the princess and we lived happily ever after. But I was interrupted when I heard crashing sounds. I opened one eye and there was the big baby on the floor covered in mouse trapped and cuts all over. But he wasn't dead.... Probably. So I fell back asleep.
*2 weeks later*
I was in my room looking out the window. Then I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I called. It was Baby 5, I expected it to be the "master", but I wasn't in the mood to see him which was the good thing. "What do you want?" I asked her.
"We will be arriving at Dressrosa soon." she said. I've heard of Dressrosa, but I've never been there before, I'm kinda excited, but not so much since now I'm a servant. And she continued. "And the master requests for you presence." UUUGGG! There goes not having to deal with the "master". I wonder what he wants. Probably want to get laid. I hope not! So Baby 5 is leading me to his chambers, it's probably ready for me. We finally arrive and she leaves me there. I knock on the door.
"Come in." I here him call. I open the door and see him in a chair putting his legs on the desk with that smirk on his face. The room was way fancier than mine and looked a lot or honeymoon like. He had a smirk saying 'like what you see?' It was nice, but no, just NO! Not with him!
"What do you want 'master'." I asked him.
"Well I have something for you." He gets up and gives me a bag. I look inside and see a maids outfit.
"You really expect me to wear this?" I asked.
"You know what will happen to you if you don't." He said with a bigger smirk on his face. I groned and agreed to put it on. I tried to leave the room but he was blocking the door.
"Can I go change in my room please?" I said with a annoyed look.
"No, your changing here." He said.
"Wha!? Fine! Then you better turn around, and even a peak you'll regret it!" I warned him. His smirk got bigger and turned around. I went on the other side of the room and changed as fast as I could. I had a hard time getting my shoes on because of the anklet. I hope I get a better one or even better get rid of it and run, i know he isn't that stupid. I finally dressed and I looked like a stripper. The skirt is too small and the top is too tight! I feel like it's going to rip any second. I have a small apron, dark purple high heels and Aqua blue headband.
"You look really good in under wear." "Master" said. I looked and saw that he was looking at me over his shoulder.
"Why you pervert!" I said stomping towards him. I grabbed him shirt ready to punch him square in the face, but I didn't. "Your so lucky this anklet is holding my strength!" I said.
"Fufufufu!" He laughed. we heard a knock at the door. "Come in." "Master" commanded. Baby 5 entered, she looked surprised.
"Uhh. Susan,your outfit is kinda-"
"Yes I know. Thank you." I interrupted her.
"Young master, we have arrived." She said.
"Great! Now Susan lets go and see your new home!" "Master" said and guided outside feeling his hand rubbing my but. I blush hard, trying not to slap him. We finally made it outside and there was dress rosa. I'll admit it was beautiful, but today is where hell begins. As we were arriving at the docks, there was many people cheering and throwing colorful paper everywhere. There were people at the high windows, and covered every inch of the street!
"Doflamingo-sama!!" ❤️I hear some girls yell.
"How sweet." Said "master".
"I can't believe this many people like you!" I said.
"Yes, yes." Said "master". "I've given these people wealth to help family's and more!"
"That's actually nice of you, considering you were once a pirate!" I confessed. "But, I don't know if I'll like it here."
"Don't worry, you'll love it!" He said putting his hand around my wist. "This is your new home."

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