Day 1- Meeting Violet and the new chess piece

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*Susans's pov*
We finally got off the ship and headed for the castle. If you ask me, it looked like a big tooth. Who thought of this design? I noticed that the "master" was really close to me, I also noticed getting a lot of glares from girls and all the guys had the heart shaped eyes on me like the perverts they are. We entered the castle and it was really nice from the inside. I see all of theses girls come out of nowhere and hugged the "master".
"Oh, honey!!"
"We missed you!" They said. Who are they!? His girl-wives-sex toys!? I don't know anymore!!! 😰
"Oh girls I missed you too! I want you to meet the new maid." He said and pointed to me. They all glared at me.
"She's the maid?"
"You said it."
"You and that that maids outfit, don't work!" I got really pissed off!!!! I swear if I didn't have this anklet, they would be soooooo dead right now!!!! 😡
"What was that, you whores?" I growled and flames of anger appeared and they all got frighten and ran.
"Fufufufu! I'm really liking you even more now!" Said the "master". "Baby 5, show Susan around the palace."
"Yes, young master." She said. When she just passed me, I was about to walk then goes "masters" wondering hand on my butt.
"Will you stop touching there!!" I shouted.
"Are you ordering me?" He asked.
"😳 Ok, let's go!!" Baby 5 grabbed my hand, somehow I was flying above the ground and she ran sonic speed. After she turned the corner she stopped. "ARE YOU TRYING TO GET KILLED!?!?"
"I can take him!" I yelled.
"You don't know what your talking about! He's strong than you think! You especially don't want to get on his bad side!"
"Hey, same here!" I sassed her.
"What ever! Let's just get you the tour!" She started to walk down the hall and I followed her. She showed me all sorts of room. She showed me the throne room, the kitchen, master bedroom, guest bed rooms, bathrooms, pool, ball room and all other rooms you can think of! I lost count! I'm gonna get lost a couple times, I can tell! But all the rooms I was intro deuced were really nice! "So, what do you think so far?" She asked.
"I think it's really nice, too bad I'm a maid." 😔
"Don't worry you'll get used to it. The young master wasn't king until 10 years ago." This surprised me.
"Wait, what? How?"
"Well you see- WAIT A MINUTE!!! If I tell you this you better not tell the young master I told you this!!! Got that?"
"Yeah, yeah."
"Pinky promise?" She held up her pinky finger.
"Promise." I said and held out my pinky and pinky promised.
"Ok! This is how it goes. You see, there was a king named Riku, his wife (don't know name!), and his daughters Scarlet and Violet. The master used his powers on the kind to slaughter other people and all the people in the meadow forced tog I've all of their money to the castle." I was shocked. "The country turned into flames and after the King was framed we took Violet as one of our members, but as for her older sister Scarlet, we killed her. She has a daughter who should be about 14 right now, but we have no idea of where she is."
"One question, why did you make Violet one of your members?" I asked.
"She has Devils fruit powers look through people's minds and soul. Which can be useful to find out the enemy's plan."
"I see."
"Speak of the devil here she is!" She said and pointed to a woman walking down the hall. She wore a long dress that was staying up by the fabric around her neck, spotted with purple, purple ruffles, light pink beside the purple spots, tanned, long brown wavy hair and with a red rose in her hair.
"Baby 5." She spoke.
"The young aster wants to see you."
"Y-yes!" She said an ran down the hall where ever she was going.
"So your Susan?" Violet asked.
"Yeah. How do you know me?" I asked.
"I also have super hearing i I could here Baby 5 and you talking."
"Okaaaaaay... 'Isn't that kind of stalking?'" I thought.
"You and I are similar." She said.
"Like how?" I asked and crossed my arms.
"We have been both under Doflamingo's rule by force. You don't want to work for his as your servant and so do I. "Perhaps we can be friends." She said with a smile.
"Ummm. This is kinda weird confessing this, but........................I've never had a friend before." I confessed looking away.
"Well that makes me a special friend. Don't you think so?" She said and I was shocked. I've always wanted a friend. But no matter how hard I tried, I failed. Even when I was a kid, I didn't have any friends.
"I guess your right. Friends." I smiled holding out my hand. She smiled back and shook my hand.
"Great! Now I have someone to talk to!" She said with a joyful smile.
"Yeah. But there's something you need to know about me first." Her smile went away and listen.
*Doflamingo's pov* (in the throne room)
Shes interesting. But I can tell by looking at her face that she's hiding something. Something she wants no one to know, but I will find out sooner or later.
"You call for me young master?" Baby 5 asked entering the room.
"Yes, did you find out anything about her?" I asked
"No, not yet." She said. Dame! She's a harder nut to crack than I thought. "Maybe we can have Violet to look into her mind?"
"That would be a good idea! But I want to wait to she if she'll say anything. If not, we can do plan B." Violet is a useful piece for playing my game of 'chess'. But Ofcourse, we have to giver her a mark very soon to make her official my property. I'll do it in a week or so. "Now, it's getting dark. It's a big day tomorrow for her,take her to her room."
"Yes young master" said Baby 5, she bowed and left the room. I want to know what she's hiding. No matter what, I will find out! But, that won't be an easy task. She's much more different from any other women I've met and I love it!! I have to say, in my game of 'chess', Susan's my queen.

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