Day 6: Enemy Rises

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*Susan's POV*
My face is still flustered of what happened earlier with the master. I still can't get that image out of my head! I always wonder why the strangest things happen to me.
"Why you all red Susan-kun?" Asked Dengllier looking over my shoulder.
"It's none of your business! Now leave me alone!" I said quickening my pace.
"Why? Are you hiding something?" He said quickening his pace.
"Go away!" I was about to run.
"Do you have a crush? Did you do it? OH!! I know!!! You and the Young Master kissed!!!!!" That's. The. Last. Straw!
*Doflamingo's pov*
I was thinking about Susan's face after I kissed her! It was priceless and a memorable moment! I wonder where she is.
"I SAID GO AWAY YOU PERV!!!" I heard Susan yell from down to hallway and saw Dengllier fly though the air and into the wall. I giant hole was formed from the impact. I looked down the hall where Dengllier flew and saw Susan stomping away. (Susan:💢)
Susan's pov:
Stupid Dengllier! Why doesn't he annoy someone like Beaver. I head over to my room, I opened the door and slammed the door shut.
"I swear that cross dresser is so annoying!!!!!" I go over to one on my Windows and opened it. I love the feeling of the wind flowing through my hair. I remember the good old days when Lia were still together.... I remember looking over the sea while the wind flew past us.
"I hope you enjoy the visit here in my palace~." I heard the master said, I look over and saw the master with some woman.
"Oh, don't worry!" She said, looking over my way and smirked evilly. I know her!!!
"I'll have 'fun'." MARI!!!!

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