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*Susans POV*
"Go all out on the bitch!!" the demon shadow formed again behind me, but this time she risen herself from the ground, rested her hands on my shoulders, put her cold, dead like lips near my ear. "She deserves punishment. She needs to pay. She must know what hell really is. She must know the true meaning of pain." I felt her dark energy consume me, but not completely. The anklet was still attached, through crack, I am still the anklets prisoner. My canine teeth grew to size as if I was a vampire. My hands started to create black scales on the palms of my hands and scales crawled up my legs. Stopping at mid way of my calve. I threw myself at Mari and she used a pitiful attempted to block me. She was launch across the island and landed at the beach, leaving a trail of broken roads and rocks to find her tracks. The Young Master grabbed my fore arm
"Susan! As your master I order you to-"
"Shut up! I am not your slave!!!" The demon screeched and kicked the Young Master as hard as she could. He crashed through a cement wall and large chunks of roof collapsed on him. I ran to the speed of sound after Mari.
*Mari's POV*
I groaned in pain and I laughed to myself.
"She's always been like this, so abusive, destructive, which is why it's so much fun." I get my elbows and looked at the trail of demolition left behind. I ever so slowly got up standing there waiting for my prey. My snake slithered up my leg and rested on my shoulders. I grinned while petting my little angel. At last I saw the possessed woman bolt at me. Time seemed to slow down just before making contact through her punch to my gut. Her seemed to take a for of the demons eyes I knew so long ago.

"GWAH!" I was catapulted through the forest and to a open patch of greenery. I hit my back  on the tree. She came after me once again, I activated my haki to my arms and block her. She visually was irritated and punch even more. I took my opportunity and kicked her in the face and punch her in the stomach. Launching her into the air and I soon followed her into the sky; kicking her once again back to the earth.

"I won't lose to you again you whore." I hear her mumble as I softly landed.

"I'm hurt! Ya know it a cruel thing to say." I  sarcastically say. She forced herself with some sort of hair flip, her eyes seemed to burn into my soul, and as she got up wiped a trail of blood from her mouth.

"I'll show you cruel you diseased snake besides," her claws grew bigger and she went into the fighting stance, "Lia is waiting for me and I intend to keep it that way."

"Is that sssso?" I smirked.

*Susan's POV*

"That's right Susan, let go. You've done well without me after all these years. Let me take over for a little. You need your rest." The demon within tried to seduce me into  letting her take control. I wasn't going to let that happen again...

"I'm going to make sure you regret your cockiness, MARI!!!!" I latched my hands on Mari's neck and we flew again. We eventually entered an open area of dead life on the small island. Mari broke free of my grasp and backflip to a large boulder next to us.

"*GASP* Well, that was rougher then expected. Why do you still intent to fight, especially since you have a disadvantage?" Mari asked, standing up straight.   

*Doflamingo's POV*

I used my strings to cut up the boulders on top of me. I looked and saw people terrified that I survived the crushing weights.

"Your majesty! Are you alright!?" A citizen came up to me in a state of panic. I put my hand on the wall seeing the trail of devastation to the small island just off shore.

"I'm just fine!!!" I jumped into the sky and used the clouds to take me to Susan and Mari. This had gone far enough! How on earth am I going to explain this to the marines!? I looked down seeing my family after me along with the two marines from earlier.

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