Day 7: Susans dark scerets

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*Doflamingo's POV*
15 minutes ago I send Baby 5 to get Susan.
"WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY!?" I stomped over to Susan's room and saw Baby 5 at her door knocking.
"Susan! You have to come out and show yourself to the guest! The Young Master said so!!" Said Baby 5.
"NO!!! I refuse to serve that b*tch!!!!" I heard Susan yell from the other side and it was muffled. What? What is going on?
"Susan! You don't say that so someone you don't know!"
"I do know her!!!" She slammed the door opened. "I know her name is Mari! She's my worst enemy! Everywhere I go she's there and she blows my cover every time!!!!"
"Oh~ Doffy~" I see Susan's face turn pale. I turned around and saw Mari. "There you are! I was wondering where you- Susan?"
"Mari...." She said. 😡 Susan then walked over to Mari. They're staring each other down, Mari stood over her by a good 10 inches, Susan looked up at her and their boobs pressed together by being so close. (Me: 😳)
"I though you would die in that slave trade you dead bat." Said Mari.
"Oh, I don't die so easily as you think you ugly giant." Susan glared. They both backed up and Mari put her hand on Susan's boob.
"Huh, what's this slutty maid outfit your wearing? So unfashionable."
"Oh really? I make this look good." Susan put her hand on her Mari's boob. "Isn't this your grandma's dress that she wore on her own funeral?"
"What the hell are you two doing!?" Shouted Baby 5.
"Oh, your here." Susan turned her head and Mari glared at Baby 5.
"Oh~ Doffy-kun~!!" Mari ran past Susan and towards me.
"Oi!" Shouted Susan. Mari jumped into my arms.
"Oh Doffy-kun why would you choose her to be a slave? She's soooo mean to me!!" She wined. I patted her head and grinned.
"There, there Mari. I won't let Susan hurt you. Fufufu." I looked up and I stopped smiling and laughing. Susan was extremely pissed, so pissed she was surrounded by flames of anger, and I pushed Mari away.
"Oh, Susan~. Your just jealous that I'm prettier than you~!" She turned to Susan.
"Oh really?? If your so much prettier than me, then why haven't you had your first boyfriend just at 36?"
"I just play hard to get!" She flipped her hair.
"Yeah, hard to get my ass!" I laughing and Mari was pissed.
"If I recall, I can beat your ass and win because of the anklet." She smirked.
"I doubt you'd stand a chance, even with the anklet on. I counted the number of times we fought. I won, 79 to 1."
"She won on match?" Asked Baby 5.
"It was our last match we had, before I went into the slave trade."
"Oh Doffy~! I'm getting bored, why don't we get something to eat? I'm starving!" Mari said hugging me tightly.
"Fufufufufu, of course! This way." I said and guided her to the dinning room.
"Hey! I'm not through with you yet!!!" Yelled Susan.
*Susans POV*
"That son of a bitch!" I cursed under my breathe.
"Sheesh, you really hate her!" Said Baby 5.
"Well, duh!!" I stomped to the dining room where I was called by the master. I walked in and saw Mari sitting on the Young Masters lap feeding him grapes. Why am I so jealous!? He's nothing more than a perverted pig!! I let out a quiet long sigh and walked over to him concealing my anger.
"You called me Young Master." I stood tall and closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to look at Mari.
"Come sit with the us." The Young Master smirk and my eyes shot open.
"I don't think that's necessary..." I closed my eyes and my eyebrow twitched in annoyance.
"Yeah! They're so much stuff I want to talk to you about!!!" Mari smiled with a hint of evil.
"Really, I don't think so..." I smiled with annoyance.
"Susan, as your master I order you to sit and join us." The young master grinned and pointed at a seat next to them.
"I-If you insist..." I pulled out the seat and I plopped down on the seat and clenched my hands as I pushed my chair in. Everyone else in the family came in and took a seat at the large table. Bellamy sat next to me and I saw from the corner of my eye, he was staring at me. I blushed slightly I looked away.
"Soooo, Susan. How's the kid?" Mari said drinking some of her booze.
"Lia?" Doflamingo guessed and he was right, Mari was obviously talking about her.
"You know her? OOOHHH! I just would love to see that little squirt and pinch her cheeks!!!!" Mari kicked her legs and the Young Master just laughed.
"You really are an energetic woman Mari."
"You got that right, Doffy~." She stroked his cheek and he grinned. A vain was very noticeable on my forehead and I somehow was able to pulled an irritated smile.
"I don't think that is very appropriate thing to do at the table when there are guests here." My eyebrow twitched and I bounced my leg up and down.
"Oh Susan! Don't get your panties in a wad! We're just having a little fun!" Mari wrapped her arms around the Young Masters neck and I noticed his hand getting lower, almost to what she considered an ass. "If you know Lia, then you must know her mother!"
"No, she hasn't mentioned her mother. Why?" Doflamingo's grin went away.
"Oh you probably would get along with her... Her mom was very beautiful and hella sexy!!" She raised her hand and laughed her ass off.
"I think that's enough." I glared at her.
"Oh no! I'm getting to the best part-"
"Stop it.." I clenched my hand tightly in my lap and Bellamay took notice.
"When Susan was younger, she got really sick because of that demon whatcha ma call it curse."
"Curse?" Doflamingo grew interested and listened intently.
"I said, stop it." I let my head hang low, my bangs covered my face and some hair fell over my shoulders.
"As I was saying, when she was really sick, she wasn't getting any better, she was getting worse by the hour. So her mom walked outside with her and graciously handed Susan to-" I jumped up and slammed my hands on the table as hard as I could. Everyone jumped in shock, even the Young Master. I lifted my head enough for her to see parts of my face, but mainly my left eye.
"I said, that's ENOUGH!" I knocked over the chair I was sitting in and I stomped over to the double doors.
"Susan!" Doflamingo stood up and Mari fell on the ground with a squeak and a thud. I slammed open the door, still gripping the door, I was about to slam the doors close. "SUSAN!!" I stopped for a moment but slammed the doors close with all my might.

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