Day Seven

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes.

It's about time that we leave this place.

I stood up and stretched, earning a few yawns.

I walked to Sarabeth's bed, shaking her.

"Sarabeth. Wake up. It's time to pack up and leave."

She wouldn't wake up.

Well, since I'm up already I might as well go downstairs for some breakfast.

I wrote on a sticky note and stuck it to Sarabeth's forehead.

brb, gone 4 breakfast (: lexi xx

I put my hair up in a messy bun and decided that I can finally be myself. There's no need to impress any guys.

Today, I'm wearing my glasses.

I got them when I was in 5th grade. No, it wasn't the exact same pair, but it was the style that stayed the same. They looked nerdy'ish, but that's the way I liked it.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

Messy bun, glasses, Sleeping with Sirens shirt, black sweat pants, and no makeup.

I made a disgusted look at my reflection. No makeup equals ugliness. But like I said, there's no reason to impress any guys.

I quickly sprayed myself with perfume and left for breakfast.

Best part is, I ran into Ashton.

"Hey." He said to me in the elevator.

I acted like he wasn't there. I ignored him as I texting my mom on my phone. All I did was raise my eyebrows in annoyance.

"I said hey."

"Ashton," I started,"if you can't believe me when I said the truth, do you seriously expect me to ever talk to you again?"

He just looked down at the floor.

I sighed at him as I walked out of the elevator towards the hotel cafeteria.

I looked at the amount of people sitting at tables either chatting or reading newspapers. But then I looked at the buffet.

Pop tarts, waffles, pancakes, french toast, cereal, hash browns.. So much to choose from but so much embarrassment.

If I get too much, I'll be stared at. If I get too little, I get stared at. But who gives a hell? Not me.

I grabbed a plate and put 2 pancakes with some syrup on it.

Why was I even worrying? All I got was pancakes.

I got a cup of milk then sat down at a table by myself.

Before I began to eat, I looked around the large cafeteria. People of all ages were chatting with one another. They were all occupied.

Except for me.

It honestly feels like high school all over again. When Sarabeth and I got into fights, I was the one to sit by myself in the corner. She was my best friend and I was hers too, but people thought of me as her little puppy. She was prettier, more confident, nicer, cooler, more popular.

But I'm just simple Lexi.

I sighed and ate a nibble of my pancake.

"You're gonna need to eat a lot more to stay healthy."

I looked up to see Luke staring at me with orange juice in one of his hands.

I just sighed, as always, and pushed my plate to the side.

"I don't need to be healthy, I need to be skinny."

He sat in the chair beside me.

"Lexi, it's the summer. Who cares if you're fat or skinny? Live life while you can before you have to start a serious career."

"But.. Eating a lot of food isn't living life."




I sighed in disgust. How rude? He didn't even say please.

I took my fork and knife and cut my pancake up. He was still sitting there.

I looked at him and ate my pancake. He smiled and ruffled my hair as if I'm a kindergarten student.

"Good Lexi!" He laughed.

"Well, I should be going. Wouldn't want Ashton waiting at the table."

He began to get up, but I pulled his arm down.

"Hey.. How's Ashton?"

"Oh.." He looked down. "Uhh, he's okay I guess. Been a little sad since the breakup."

"Calum lied. Calum's the one who tore us apart and that's fucking stupid of him. I cannot believe Ashton believed him."

"Well, you're leaving today so why not try and talk to Ashton?"

"I'll try.."

Luke walked away and left me stating hopelessly at my pancakes.

Screw pancakes.

I want Ashton.
"Well, we packed it all." Sarabeth said as she caught her breath.

We had all of our stuff packed and it was time to hit the road.

"I'm happy that we can finally leave. I can't wait to just stay in my bed all day!" I said.

Sarabeth and I were wearing matching outfits: crop top, jean shorts and flip flops.

"Soo.. Did you tell Luke?" I asked.

"Yeah. It didn't really phase him or me because it was meant to happen."

I nodded.

We got to the lobby and Sarabeth gave the woman back the key for our room.

"I hope you had a nice stay! Have a nice rest of the summer!"

"Thanks! You too!" Sarabeth smiled.

Before I'd even reached the front door, I heard someone call for me.

"Lexi! Wait!"

I turned around to see Ashton running towards me.

Well, here comes the cliché moment I've always wanted.

I dropped my suitcase and jumped in his arms.

"I love you." I said as I hugged him with my legs wrapped around him.

"I love you too. This'll be the last time we'll be this close."

"I hope it won't be too long until I get to talk to you again."

"It won't." He said. "I promise."

Then Sarabeth tapped him on the shoulder.

"I guess you could call this Lashton in Florida?"

Lashton in Florida {completed}Where stories live. Discover now