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A/N: GUYS SO SORRY. i haven't posted on this book in ages! And I'm not promising that I will be a lot in the future, but I will try my best! If you don't already know, I have a preference book as well which I update pretty regularly and frequently. Hope you guys like this imagine!

R5 was on tour and your best friend Ellington invited you to join him. And after days and days of begging your parents, they finally caved, and now you're on tour with Ellington! The band was currently staying at a hotel that was incredibly nice. You and Ell decided to go down to the pool for a little while, and walked into the elevator.
"Hey do you hear something?" He says once the door closes. "It sounds like squeaking." You shake your head.
"I don't hear anyth-woah" you're cut off by the elevator coming to a complete stop, jolting you to the side. "Ell..." You whisper. "Are we-"
"Maybe not. Let me see." He pushes the emergency button to call the main lobby. "Our elevator just stopped." He tells the lady. She tells you guys that it will be about an hour until anyone comes to help. You stood and talked for about 10 minutes.
"Ellington.." You whisper. "i-i'm kinda scared."
"Why? You don't have claustrophobia or anything do you?" He asks with a look of concern.
"Well.. um.. maybe." You slide your back down the wall of the elevator and he immediately joins you.
"Hey, it'll be okay." He tells you, then notices your trembling hands. He takes them in his to stop them from moving. "I promise everything will be okay."
"B-but what if-"
"It doesn't matter. Everything will be fine." He swings his arm over your shoulder. You can't help but bury your head in his chest to shield yourself from the walls that seemed to be cloning in around you. You start breathing more heavily.
"Shh.. shh.. everything's alright. everything's alright." he repeats over and over, until you're finally calmed down enough to look up and into his eyes. You turn over and lay on the floor with your head in his lap.
"Thanks." You smile at him.
"Anytime. Love you Y/N."
"Love you too Ell."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2014 ⏰

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