Hanging Out

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-Mirio's POV-

Tamaki seemed so worried about our little argument and I felt bad. He seemed to calm down when I let him in and he sat down on my bed for a bit. I sat next to him and put my arm around him when there was a knock at my door. I went to go answer it and Nejire was standing there concerned. "Is Amajiki in there with you?" She said thumping her foot against the ground . "Uhh yeah, why?" "Because when he was coming here he trampled me like he was some hungry cow running to food, well like he seemed worried or sad or something and I wanted to make sure he was okay." I looked at her and slowly scooted over so she could come in . She walked in and sat next to Tamaki. "Hey Tamaki, are you okay? You seemed worried earlier." "Oh yeah Hadou-San, I'm fine. Sorry for running into you by the way." She giggled. "Oh Stop Apologizing!" She said as she pet Tamaki's head. "Well, that's all I came here for, I have work I gotta do, see y'all later?" She said while walking towards the door. "Oh yeah of course." I say smiling. "Oh and by the way, good job at trying to sneak out earlier~" I looked at her shocked. "How did you know that?" "I saw through the window." She said laughing. "Welp, catch ya later." She said skipping away."

-Tamaki's POV-

"Hopefully she just saw, that'd suck if multiple people did." "Yeah it wo-" Mirio's sentence was cut off by a knock on the door. He opened it and there was Mr. Aizawa with Eri. They exchanged some words and Mr. Aizawa left Eri here. She walked in and sat next to me. "Yo" she said and looked up at me. "Hi" I said back. Mirio sat on the other side of me, as I was sitting on the middle end of the bed. "She was bored so Aizawa is letting her stay here for the night cause she wanted to hang out with us." "Oh, ok." I said. "Can I play games on your phone?" Eri asked me. "Oh uhh I left it in my dorm, I can go get it quick." "Ok" she said just sitting there. I told Mirio where I was going and ran to my room, grabbed my charger and phone and went to Mirio's dorm. I opened the door and plugged my phone in and handed it to Eri. She took my phone and started playing Roblox. She accidentally hit the home button and it kicked her out of the game. She went to click the game again and accidentally clicked my messages, which is next to the roblox app. It was on Mirio's messages and it showed all the texts and calls. But since my dumbass is weird I was scrolled up and was reading the first messages he sent me. And above them was a shirtless photo he sent me the day before. Eri saw it and her eyes got wide. She looked kind of traumatized, poor girl. She shut my phone off and slowly handed it to me. "I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." She said while looking at me. "We can go down to the kitchen and get one." She just nodded and slowly walked towards the door. I AGAIN told Mirio where I was going and walked towards the cafeteria with Eri.

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