8; Overcoming

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"Hey, can you skate for me?" Luke asked.
"Gladly." I smiled, which he returned.
I pushed off on my penny and went down a ramp. There weren't any girls here. I mean any. All guys. And guess what, *gasp* a few cute ones. They all kinda stared at me for a little bit, so to break the tense I did a quick wheelie. I felt my hair blow back with how fast I was going. I heard a few wolf whistles. I looked up to see a group of boys waving me over.
I rolled over to the group. 5 boys.
"Hey, you new here?" One of them asked, leaning against the ramp wall.
"Um, yeah." I'm not giving to much info about me to creep.
"We should meet up sometime. Yeah?" Another one said, putting an arm around my shoulder. I moved from under his touch. He looked shocked. Creep.
"I'll pass. I don't even know you guys." I said.
"Well we can get to know each other if you want to sweetheart." The first one said leaning forward on his board. I shook my head. Nobody calls me sweetheart except my mum, and dad. When he was here.
I took a step back and hit the back of a ramp. "No thanks." I said shaking my head again.
"C'mon. You know you want to." The guy put both hands on either side of me on the wall.
"Stay away or you'll get hurt." I warned, making a fist with my right hand, with a sudden boost if confidence. I may or may not regret this later.
"Awe. Look, the kittens talking. I'm so scared." He mocked. Jerk. Creep.
"I'm warning you." I said again. Dear god Luke help me if you can somehow hear this.
"Fine. I'm going to get scratched by a kitten." He mocked again.
I boiled over. That was it. Nobody calls me kitten. I swung my fist and hit him square in the nose, knocking him to the ground.
'Nice Rain' I said to myself.
He groaned in pain as he lay on the ground. "Who's next?" I said to the rest of the boys, who looked shocked, cracking my knuckles.
They all scrambled back about 5 feet from me. "That's what I thought. Tell buddy boy here to back off when he sees me. Same goes for all of you, you hear me?" They all shook their heads frantically.
As I turned around and began to walk away, I called out, "Have a nice day." in my goody voice.
Luke looked worried sick.
"Rain where were you? Where did you go? I lost sight of you and I got so worried and oh my god. I'm so glad your alright." He pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back.
"Tell me what happened since your smiling." He said as we sat down again.
"Group of boys wolf whistled, waved me over and tried to hit on me." I said.
"And what did you do?" He said, not seeing where this was going. Looking a bit upset.
"Guy called me sweetheart and kitten. So I boiled over, got mad and swung a punch that landed perfectly square in the noes." I said proudly. Thanks confidence.
"And you walked away?" He said raising an eyebrow.
"Your a rebel Rain. C'mon. Let's go home shall we?" He stood up and put his arm out.
"We shall." I stood up and linked my arm with his as we skipped out into the parking lot. I called my mum to pick us and she drove us home.
Holy crap guys

Rain got hit on.


it's ok to me ;-;

But stilllll

Oh yes

For each chapter from now on I will post comments, reads/veiws, and votes on here so you can see how it's growing. Slowly.

Reads- 99

Votes- 1

Comments- 0



ok I'll stop yelling a let you guys go on with your lives.

Byeeeeeee :)

~ Catie🐓

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