Initiation Part 2

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With Yang

Yang walked eastward through the forest, hands behind her head. After completely nailing her landing, she had been walking for what seemed like forever. She had used her sense to see that her sister was in this general direction, but she hadn't seen hide or hair of anyone.

"Helllooooo. Ruby! Anyone there? Getting bored here..." Silence was the only answer Yang got. Before she could reiterate herself in a louder voice, the sound of a twig snapping drew her attention to some nearby bushes.

"Ruby, is that you?" Yang ran up to the bushes, pushing them aside to see what was behind them. "Nope" was all she said as she got a good look at what was there.

Backflipping, Yang dodged a swipe from the Ursa's claws. She landed in the middle of a small clearing and got into a fighting stance, extending Ember Cilica. The large bear Grimm crashed through the undergrowth after her. It was soon joined by another Ursa and so Yang was left facing two Grimm.

Yang frowned slightly; this was it? Only two measly Grimm was hardly a challenge for her; certainly not what she expected as the test to get in Beacon. She had thought that it would be a whole horde of them at least.

Whatever. She would wipe the floor with these teddy bears and get back to locating her sisters. With a feral grin that match those of her opponents, Yang launched herself at the Ursai.

The beasts of darkness seemed caught off guard by this and Yang was able to get a solid hit on one, sending it tumbling away. Its partner responded with a wide slash of its claws, which Yang easily ducked under. A swift uppercut staggered the Ursa back and series of shotgun-filled punches had it on the backfoot. Yang was about to go for a finishing blow when a blur of pale blue dashed in front of her.

She saw that the first Ursa had gotten back onto it's feet far faster then she thought and had tried to attack her while her back was turned. Instead, the beast was getting strangled by a long serpent and with a sickening crack, it broke it's neck. The large beast fell dead and Yang got a good look at what killed it.

The serpent has a white, circular, gem-like object on its forehead, and its eyes are light purple

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The serpent has a white, circular, gem-like object on its forehead, and its eyes are light purple. It has two wing-like ears at the sides of its head. It has a white belly, and is light blue the rest of the way.

"Tini? Tiniii?" It cooed in concern for the blond bruiser

It slowly slithered up to Yang, who slowly backed away making sure not to provoke it. The other Ursa was about to strike the little snake, but a blue beam of energy caused it to literally freeze in place. Yang recognized the beam instantly and looked around for where it came from.

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