Best Day Ever

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In the Beacon Academy cafeteria, after Weiss felt better, Team RWBY are sitting together as Blake looks over some smu-, er, notes. Definitely notes. Yang then slides up next to her partner.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing!" Blake swiftly closes her book. "Just going over notes from last semester."

Nora snickers as she flings a grape at Yang, in which the latter catches it in her mouth.

"Lame!" She laughs.

Nora giggles as she continues to toss grapes at Yang with her spoon. Yang catches the fruit with ease, giving Nora the thumbs up. Ruby, giving an enormous heave, slams a binder onto the table, catching everyone off guard. On the cover of the binder is written "Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee". This has been hastily crossed out with a red marker pen, and with the same pen, a new title, "Best Day Ever Activities", has been written underneath.

"Ahem!" She cleared her throat. "Sisters...friends...Weiss." She starts.


"Four scores and seven minutes ago, I had a dream!" She recalls as she clenches a fist.

"A dream you had while in deep slumber just a few hours ago?" Blake cocks an eyebrow. Yang snickers as she moves closer to her.

"Ha, this oughta be good." Nora flings another berry into her mouth, with Yang giving her a thumbs up this time. She probably liked that one in particular.

"I dream that one day, the four of us will come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had...ever!" She proclaims.

Weiss nods, but then she looks at the large stack of documents that Ruby placed, frowning as she narrows her eyes in suspicion, before glaring at her. "Wait, did you steal my binder when you left the room?"

Ruby makes a peace sign as she sticks her tongue out. " not a crook."

"Say what?" Blake thought her words meant something different. Yang however chuckles as she wraps an arm around her.

"I'm talking about kicking off this semester with a bang!" Ruby yells as she points a finger at the cat girl. Yang points a thumb to herself as she grins.

"Well, I always kick my semesters off with a Yang! Eh? Guys? Am I right?" She turns to her teammates. Weiss leans on her arm in disapproval as Nora throws an apple at the blonde's face.

"Booooo!" She echoes off the lame pun. Yang glares at her after the apple hits her in the face.

"Look guys, it's been a good time so far, and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament happening at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorrow! Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today!" Ruby tries to go back on topic, but Yang growls at Nora while trying to throw another apple.

The orange head giggles as she dodges, and it ends up hitting someone else in the face. As another student notices this, more and more food starts to get thrown around.

"I don't know. I think I might sit this one out." Blake says with a worried look on her face.

"Well, I think that whatever you choose to sit out or not, we should do something together as a team, you know?" Weiss smiles as she pats her shoulder.

From the other side though, Team JNPR gasps as Nora dodges a cream pie aimed for her head. Turning over to Weiss, Pyrrha covers her mouth with a hand, and Jaune sits upright with a starry-eyed look. Weiss' face, in Yang's words, got creamed, (I regret nothing!).

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