Ain't ya got something better?

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The six of you joined him in the kitchen soon after, hearing him announce that breakfast was done.

Alastor watched the steam roll off of the pot, smiling proudly.
He then began handing out plates of the unknown food.
It kinda smells good.

"Thank you, Al. It looks great!" Charlie smiled, picking up her fork.
"Why thank you, my dear!" He bowed, and I couldn't help but cringe a little.
Alastor finished handing out the plates then sat down at the table- himself, while grinning.

"Let's eat. There ain't no food in this place!" Angel grabbed two forks and started shoveling the stuff into his mouth like he hadn't ate for weeks.

"You should slow down, Angel dear! We wouldn't want you choking, that would look awful for the hotel." Alastor chuckled.
"I suck dick for a living, ya really think this is enough to choke me?? Trust me babe, this ain't nothing"
You burst out in laughter after hearing what Angel said.

"Holy shit! That was a great response."
"Don't encourage him, (y/n)!" Vaggie growled.
"Relax, Vaggie. They're just having fun." Charlie kissed her cheek, softly.

"Please refrain from using such vulgar language, my dear (y/n)" Alastor laughed, picking up his cup of hot tea.
"Eh.. I'd rather not." (Y/n) said with a yawn, looking towards Alastor.
"This is hell, after all." You giggle.

Alastor took a sip of his tea, with one eyebrow raised. "Haha! Who said it was a request!" He smirked, looking directly into your (e/c) eyes.
"Who said that you're the word police?" Your response ended up sounding very childish, having said the first thing that popped into your mind.

Angel watched you and Alastor closely. The Hotel has been pretty boring lately and he wasn't about to miss even the smallest amount drama.

"C'mon, kid! That was a weak ass come-back." Angel sighed, finishing the last bite of his food.
"Ain't you got somethin' better?"

(Y/n) stared into space for a few seconds, thinking deeply.
"Nope.." She sighed.

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