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After running deep into the city, you
find yourself next to a odd looking building. There was lots of neon lights, and a large sign that read
Porn Studios.
You've got to be kidding me..

Demons, imps, and sinners were everywhere. It seemed like the longer (y/n) lingered, the more creatures that appeared.
She quickly realised that leaving Angel was a stupid decision.
I'm by myself. I'm by myself and in the middle of fucking hell. What a brilliant idea, (y/n).
"SO CUTE!" Charlie squealed, her eyes lighting up with joy.
"CHARLIE!" Vaggie called from downstairs, finally getting Charlie and Angel Dusts attention. The two of them headed down to the kitchen, discovering the shorter female demon with her arms crossed and a worried expression..

"What's wrong?!" Charlie asked, running to her girlfriend, then hugging her tightly.
"Have you seen (y/n)? I can't find her anywhere." Vaggie said, her worried expression now shared with Charlie.
"Wait..She isn't here yet?!" Angel exclaimed, eyes wide with shock and panic.
"What do you mean yet?" Vaggie questioned, staring at him.
"Alright, alright. I may have been foolin' around with Cherri, she tagged along and.."
"YOU LOST HER?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??" Vaggie yelled, lunging at the spider demon. Luckily for him, Charlie managed to prevent her angry girlfriend from ripping his head off.
"Calm down, Vaggie! I'm sure she's okay.." Charlie said softly, she was incredibly scared and worried for
(y/n), but knew remaining calm would help the others.

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