Angels Apology

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[One day prior to the last Chapter, inside of the royal manor]

"Luci, my love?" Lilith said softly, wrapping her arms around her husbands body. She smiled as his eyes met hers and his smile wided.
"Yes, my darling?" Lucifer questioned.
"Charlie is having a small party tomarrow morning. I already informed her that we will be attending, don't try to talk your way out of it." The queen stated firmly.

Lilith couldn't bring herself to be cold towards the princess. She loved her daughter dearly and loved seeing her happy, unlike Lucifer, who disapproved of every aspect of Charlie's life and was quick to  express his disappointment in her.

"Are you seriously still supporting such nonsense??" The blonde haired demon growled. "Charlotte already has her head in the clouds, the last thing she needs is to be encouraged!" His wife shook her head disapprovingly, letting out a frustrated sigh.
"She is our daughter, Luci. Must you act so coldly?" Lilith asked with a soft, yet serious, tone of voice.
The king and queen continued to bicker back-and-forth before finally coming to an agreement.
They would attend the party for a short amount of time then return home.

"Yes, indeedy! We wouldn't want to disappoint any guests, would we?"
Alastors sudden, cheerful voice was enough to wake you from your rest.

(Y/N) whined slightly, opening her tired (e/c) eyes. With her head aching and her shoulder sore, she managed to shift in Alastors arms.
Quickly pushing herself away from the demon, (Y/N) fell onto the floor with a thud.
Your face heated up and you could feel yourself blushing deeply, luckly nobody seemed to notice your flustered state. Your heart was racing while you tried to remember the events that lead to Alastor carrying you back to the hotel.
But before you could recall what happened, Angel Dust grabbed your arm and pulled you into a tight hug.

"Look, toots. I'm sorry about the way I treated ya last night.."
Shocked as to how surprisingly sincere Angel sounded, Vaggie eyed him carefully. Her suspicion only grew when she saw the apologetic expression on his face.
"It's okay, I shouldn't have been so pushy..." (Y/N) said, happily returning her friends hug.
The Radio Demon cleared his throat loudly, causing you and Angel to look at him in confusion. It was then that you realized his gaze was on you, only you. When Angel Dust became aware of this, he wasted no time in leaving.
Charlie watched Angel as he hurried out of the room, her head tilt in confusion.

"C'mon, Charlie.. we need to decorate."  Vaggie said, taking her girlfriends hand and leaving the room.

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