Fat Nuggets

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Angel sat up in bed, groaning loudly. "What do you want?" He asked while rubbing his eyes.
"It's almost time for our event! Isn't that awesome??" The demon princess said, full of enthusiasm.

Charlie was always so kind and positive, Angel couldn't help but smile at her excitement.
"How did you sleep, Angel?"
"..I slept okay, I guess." He said softly, looking down at his hands that griped his pillow.
After she finished getting herself ready, Vaggie decided to help her girlfriend out by waking up some of the others at the hotel. She woke Nifty and planned on waking up Husk, but found that Charlie had already gotten to him.


"It's already 7am."
No response
"Are you even awake?"
Still nothing

Vaggie sighed, crossing her arms.
"Okay, I'm coming in." The moth demon opened the door only to discover that (y/n) wasn't in bed. She began searching the rest of the bedroom, but to no avail.
"Soooooo, what kinda event are we doin' anyways?" Angel asked.
Fat Nuggets nuzzled against his chest fluff, lovingly.

"Demons all over hell are invited here for a tour, and to check in so we can begin the process of redeeming them. Everyone is going to love it here!" Charlie stated, smiling widely and bouncing.
"Just like they 'loved' your little news-thingy?" Angel laughed, but got quiet when he noticed his friend now looked sad. "It wassa joke, babe. Don't take it so hard." He smiled, softy.
Vaggie checked everywhere she could think of, but no sigh of (Y/n) was found. "CHARLIE!" She called up the long velvet staircase. Nothing.

Charlie probably would have heard her girlfriend..if she wasn't so distracted by Fat nuggets. Angels adorable pet pig kept oinking and touching them with his little wet nose.
"SO CUTE!" Charlie squealed, her eyes lighting up with joy.

I know these chapters have been pretty short but I'm still not sure whether you guys actually enjoy my  stories so far.

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