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Charlie's eyes beamed with excitement, her feet barely keeping up with her as she ran into the entry room. "Welcome to the happy hotel!" She exclaimed, opening the large doors. "Good evening, Charlotte." Charlie's smile faded upon seeing her father. The two of them used to be close but recently he's been very distant, cold even.
The princess stepped aside, letting her parents into the building. "I-I'm glad you decided to come father." She said, her voice soft and timid. Her hand ran up and down her arm, anxiously.
"Speak clearly. The Magne's have a reputation to uphold." Lucifer said with a stern expression. Charlie shrank, practically feeling her fathers disappointment. "Yes father." She said with fake confidence, holding back the urge to frown.
(Y/N) sheepishly knocked on Angel Dusts door, a huff of annoyance could be heard inside.
I guess he still hates me..
She sighed, sadly. The spider demon picked up Fat Nuggets on the way to the door, rubbing the crumbs off the piglets face with his sleeve.
"What??" Angel said with his hand resting on the doorknob.
"I assume the Radio Demon grew tired of your silly plan and decided to go elsewhere?" Lucifer teased, smirking at Charlie. His wife elbowed him in the side harshly.
"Must you be so cruel? Charlotte has every right to follow her heart, we should be supportive of her." Lilith stated, scolding her husband for being so insensitive towards his own daughter.

"A pleasture to be seeing you here, your highness." Alastors voice rang out from behind. The air grew tense as the two powerful demons locked eyes. Lucifer and Alastor have a mutual respect, never letting their guard down in the presence of the other.
It was no secret that the Radio Demon planned on overthrowing the immortal king, and would eventually attempt to do so. But until then, it's better for them to be allies than enemys.


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