Why Even Try?

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    First day of school and I'm new...everyone stares and there are whispers throughout the whole school. However, I can kind of see their point in doing so. I have dark brown hair, solid black shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans, black combat boots, and to top it all off I have lime green contacts in. I try not to fit into any little group around school or anywhere really. You see, my parents are dead and I live alone, I moved here in order to get away from my past and I don't want to bring it up. You might find out later, but it might get a little intense.

    I walked up the front steps of the school building and through the front doors. The office receptionist wasn't very pleasant as she handed me my schedule. I headed to my first class and sat all the way in the back and looked out the window. The bell rang and the rest of the students started to file into the room and take their seats. I didn't really pay any attention as they came in and sat down, but suddenly there was a shadow covering my desk. I looked up and there was a anorexic blond standing there with a scowl on her face and her hands on her hips.

    "You're in my seat." She squeaked. I resisted the urge to cringe away from the horrible noise and just stared at her with a bored expression. Then, I just ignored her and looked at the teacher as he started class. She finally realized that she wasn't going to get to me and just huffed as she walked away and sat in a different seat.

    The class went my pretty easily after that and when the bell rang I headed to my next class and sat in the back just like in first. I didn't have any trouble in this class about my seat and the class passed without incident. Then, in third a few moments after I sat down a boy with all black attire and spiky black hair sat down next to me and kept staring at me.

    I tried to ignore him in the hopes that he would stop staring at me, but that hope was crushed when he just kept staring at me. Finally, I turned to him and looked him straight in the eye and asked, "Did you need something or did you just want to stare at me?"

     "I just wanted  you to know that I like you, you seem really cool and there aren't a lot of people who are cool. They try to fit in and be something that they aren't just to impress people, it starts to get annoying after a while. I just wanted to see if we could possibly become friends." He suggested.

    "No, I don't make friends. If I make friends then they ask questions about everything in your life and I don't want that. I just want to get through high school and get on with my life. I'm sorry and you seem really nice so I'm sorry if I offended you or something like that, but I just can't." I replied without any emotion in my voice. Then I turned back to the front of the classroom right when the teacher walked in.

    He turned back to the front of the classroom and was quiet the rest of the class period. When the bell rang I went to fourth and sat in the back and this was just a writing class so I grabbed my notebook and my pencil out of my backpack. I started to write and added in my book until the bell rang. I headed to my last period and sat in the back as usual, unfortunately the barbie was in this class and so was the head jock. She was hanging all over him the entire period and it was really starting to get on my nerves.

    Even I had to admit that he was hot, but if he was my boyfriend then I wouldn't hang all over him in class. It's rude to do that in front of all of the other people in the class that are actually trying to learn something in school. I was happy when the bell rang a final time and I headed outside to begin the long journey home. It was about four miles to my house from the school and I had already put my  backpack in my locker that I was assigned this morning and I just wanted to get home and work out.

    I started walking down the sidewalk and the next thing I know someone comes up behind me and pushes me down to the ground. I hit the ground with a solid thud and instantly pushed myself up spinning around at the same time to face the culprit. I saw the barbie and started laughing, oh and I should mention that I'm a rare, powerful werewolf with anger issues.

    "What are you laughing at you freak?" She asked. She placed her hands on her hips again and scowled at me once again. All of this just made me laugh even harder than before. The thought of the two of us fighting each other was hilarious. I mean, I work out more than she does, she'll be worried about breaking a nail, she probably can't even throw a punch, and as I said before, I'm a rare and powerful werewolf. She isn't even a werewolf it wouldn't really be that fair of a fight.

    "If you think that you're going to fight me and win then you got another thing coming Blondie." I told her still laughing at the scene playing out in my head as she just stood there and tried to process what I just said. When she finally understood her face heated up and her nostrils flared out.

    Before she could say anything her little jock boyfriend came up behind her and hugged her. I almost gagged at the sight of them together. The jock looked up and our eyes met, my wolf in my head started screaming one word to me over and over, 'MATE' and my head started spinning. I shook my head and started to back away. I can't have a mate, I don't even want one! I mean, I'm perfectly fine alone without anyone to ask about my past or what happened to my parents. His eyes looked happy, but quickly changed to sad as he saw me backing away.

    The only word that came to mind at that moment was 'crap' I don't know how I'm going to ignore him. There is supposed to be a pull towards your mate when you find them that is said to be impossible to resist, but I'm going to prove them wrong. I'm going to resist it because all that mates bring is trouble. The last thing I saw before I turned ad ran away was the need for me in his eyes.

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