My Mate is Back?

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    Darkness was all that I saw, I tried everything to see any kind of light, but failed each time. I started to hear voices and recognised one as the cowboy that told me he would get my mate and bring him to me. I tried to open my eyes, but they were too heavy and just closed back. After a few minutes of trying I finally got them to flutter open and I was looking up at a red ceiling. A door off to the left side of the bed that I was laying on opened slowly and my mate stepped through it cautiously.

    I tried to get up and go to him, however, as I moved to get up a pain traveled all throughout my body making me groan in pain and lay back down on the bed. He walked over to me and sat on the edge of the bed looking down at me with sad and guilty eyes. "I know that you're my mate and everything, but my name is Dakota. This guy came and found me yesterday, he told me that you were in pain and that I was the only one that would be able to help you. I came straight away and I haven't left your side except to go to the bathroom. I'm so sorry that all of this happened to you, and they told me that they only took you because you looked so lonely except for your brother." He explained.

    My throat started to burn as I tried to talk, but all that came out was a pained croaking sound. Dakota shook his head to try and stop me from talking. "Your vocal chords are shot. When you coughed up blood and nothing else it damaged your vocal chords and you need to rest them. They will get better over time and you'll fully heal eventually, but for now you just need to rest." Dakota told me.

    A different door opened and the cowboy came in and stood at the end of the bed looking directly into my eyes. I could tell that he cared for me deeply and wanted to be more than friends just in the short time that we've known each other. I looked between him and Dakota and settled on looking at the cowboy. "My name is Travis and I wanted to see how you're doing?" He asked.

    Since I couldn't talk I nodded my head trying to signal that I was doing fine. He nodded his head in response and glanced over at Dakota who hadn't taken his eyes off of me, then looked back at me. "If you need anything get your mate to come and get me or something because this house can get very confusing. Oh, and your brother is here, he is freaking out because we wouldn't let him see you. Do you want me to send him up here?" Travis asked.

     Eagerly nodding my head he smiled and left the room. Dakota smiled at me and tears filled his eyes. "I want to say that I'm sorry for everything that has happened to you and everything that I've done to you or what my friends have done to you without me stopping it." He said and a tear fell down his face.

    I shook my head trying to tell him that it wasn't his fault and he didn't have to apologize for it. Then i reached up with my hand and wiped his one lone tear off with my thumb. I moved over on the bed to make room for him and he laid down with me. He wrapped his arm around me and I just snuggled into his chest. All of the pain went away and I was back to normal, well, my throat was still shot. Other than my throat i was fine. All I really needed was to be close to my mate. I guess that everyone was right when they said that the pull of mates was too strong to ignore.

    Then I closed my eyes trying to go to sleep, but the door swung open hitting the wall in the process and making me jump. My brother ran over to me and pulled me away from Dakota making him growl with protectiveness. Kyle pulled away and looked between the two of us a couple of times. Realization dawned on him and he started to get mad. "You two are mates?" He yelled.

    I cringed away from him and nodded my head slightly knowing that he would notice the slightest bit of movement. "How could you not tell me Jessica? I thought that we were closer than that and that you could tell me everything? I guess that I was wrong and you keep secrets from me. That's why he was at the house the other day. I can't believe that you would do this to me. That's why you gave that big long speech about how when we found our mates we wouldn't be as close anymore isn't it" Kyle asked, pacing around the room.

    My throat wouldn't work so I just nodded and I felt Dakota slip his arms around my waist pulling our bodies closer to each other. A sigh escaped my lips and I looked at my brother hoping that he wouldn't be too mad at me and he would trust me to make decisions. However, I wouldn't blame him after what happened with our parents. It was my decision that killed them. The thought of my parents brought tears to my eyes.

    The tears in my eyes made my brother's face soften and he walked over to me and whispered, "It wasn't you fault and I trust you. I would trust you with my life and I wouldn't be afraid to. Mom and dad would be so proud of you and you know it. You got a job and you're going to school, you found your mate and you aren't falling apart. They would be so proud of you...just like I am. You need to stop blaming yourself for what happened."

    Tears flowed down my face and landed on the bed. I shook my head telling him that it was my fault and I knew it. Dakota held me tighter and I turned over to bury my head in his chest. My throat started to feel better and sobs escaped me as I cried for our parents. The memory of all the blood everywhere around the house and the guys with guns surrounding us. They made us watch as he killed our parents right in front of our eyes except they were tortured right in front of us. Our parents screamed for their lives and their screams play over and over every time I close my eyes to go to sleep. They haunt me in my dreams and it scares me.

    The people that did that to them weren't found and I'm scared that they are still out there waiting for the right time to finish off my brother and I. After a while my brother left and my tears slowed. I looked up at Dakota only to see that he had tears in his eyes. I looked up at him questioningly, "I don't like seeing you hurting, it's killing me inside to see you cry." He whispered.

    My voice came back and I whispered, "I think that it's time for me to tell you about my unforgettable past."

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