Chapter 3: We're Not What You Want, But You're What We Need

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John woke up tied to a chair. He looked around the room to see a group of people standing and staring at him. "Mmph" John tried to yell but he couldn't. "Ahh, I see that I was able to manipulate your vocal cords," Squip smiled "I'd keep you like this but we need you to speak." He snapped his fingers and John regained control of his body. "The ropes will be staying though."

"Who are you guys?" John looked at the people in the room. There were 2 older looking men, 2 teenagers and 1 man around his age. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" John repeated.

Squip answered "The 2 older looking men, as you call them are King George and King Henry. The teen with the long hair is Connor and the teen with the trenchcoat is JD. Finally, I'm the Squip but I just go by Squip. Any questions?"

John looked at JD "Why did he kidnap me and bring me here? What do you want with me?" Squip smiled "It's not what we want, its what we need." George looked at John with disgust "Believe me, if we didn't need you I would kill you slowly and painfully." 

"What do you need from me?" John asked as he struggled in the ropes. Squip noticed John's struggle and made it so he couldn't do anything but speak. "There, we can't have you getting out now, can we? As for what we need from you, we'll tell you when the time comes." 

John looked at them with spite "What if I don't want to help you?" Henry laughed "It's not about what you want, it's about what we need you for." John spat at him "I'll fight back." Squip just smiled "You physically can't, we squipped you. Anything you do is under my control. I can make you do say or think whatever I want you to. If you try to fight back I can simply shock you and regain control, like this." Squip sent a shock to John. "See?"

John winced in pain "I get it. Can you at least untie me? There's no need to tie me up." George laughed "Ha, of course, there is. If we untie you you're going to try and escape. Once you learn obedience like JD and Connor over here, we will untie you" 

Connor looked at John sadly and shook his head feeling sorry for him. Squip sent Connor a shock, "No interacting with him until he is obedient." Connor bowed "Yes sir..." Squip smiled "That's more like it" 

Henry looked around at John, Connor, and JD "Stay here, no socializing or moving around. If we catch any funny business the Squip will personally shock you until you can't feel your body." With that Henry, George and Squip left the room locking the door behind them.


Kitty was sitting at a desk at school. She didn't want to be in such a crowded public place, especially after what had happened at the McDonalds. She had contacted the other queens the previous night, trying to make sense of what had happened.

Kitty: Hey, the other night I was pinned against the wall at a McDonalds.The guy who pinned me said that Henry wanted us back. Do any of you know about this?

Parr: I have no clue, I didn't realize Henry was alive

Jane: Aww, honey are you okay?

Anna: Who is this guy that pinned you, I'm going to kill him. What happened to him? 

Kitty: I'm okay, Jared came along and decked him. After being decked the other guy ran.

Anna: He's lucky he ran if he didn't he would have a lot worse to deal with.

Anne: Who's Jared? Is he your boyfriend?

Kitty: No he's not my boyfriend Anne. He's just some guy who decided to help me out. Back to the real issue, Henry wants us back.

Aragon: Henry should be gone by now, he's dead

Anne: And I was beheaded yet here I am living

Parr: Kitty, I think you should just go on as normal and let us handle this. They know about you and where you are, it's not safe for you to try to and find Henry. Just go to school like every other person your age and try to blend in. We will fix this.

Kitty: Okay Cathy, I love you all. Goodnight

Kitty didn't want to go to school, she wanted to help find out what was going on. As much as she wanted to help, she knew trying to argue with Cathy was impossible and she would end up in the same spot anyway. She rested her head on the desk thinking before she was tapped on the shoulder.

"Hey Kitty" she turned to see Jared standing behind her. Kitty looked at him in surprise "What are you doing here?" she asked shocked. "I go to school here, I have been for a while now. The better question is what are you doing here? I've never seen you here before." He said to Kitty.

"Well, I just recently transferred here," Kitty said. "If you want I could show you the ropes, teach you how to get around. You know that sort of thing." Jared said. He was interested in getting to know Kitty and this was his perfect opportunity to do that. This way they could spend time together and he could figure out why Connor went after her.

Kitty looked at Jared and thought about Jared's proposal. Maybe if she took his offer it could help her blend in more. He also seemed to know the guy that went after her so maybe she could investigate without getting in trouble with Cathy. Kitty nodded "I think I'll take you up on your offer"

Jared nodded "Well, let's go. Let me show you around." He stood up. Kitty stood up and followed him. "So Kitty, tell me some more about yourself," Jared said trying to prompt her to get information.

Kitty looked at him debating about what she should say. "Well my name is Katherine Howard and I'm 16 years old. I like cats and the color pink" she said trying to give him enough information so he would stop asking.

"You share a name with one of the wives of Henry VIII," he said. Kitty froze, he couldn't figure her out just yet. She decided to play dumb "Who's that?" Jared looked at her "Oh shes the 5th wife of Henry VIII, she got beheaded. I feel really bad for her." Kitty nodded "Yeah, her life sounds terrible." 

Jared nodded "I wish someone could've been there to help her," he noticed Kitty seemed uncomfortable, "Well enough about that let me show you around." Jared grabbed her hand and started giving her a tour of the school.

After an hour Jared finally stopped at the front of the school. "Well, that's the end of my tour. I'm supposed to meet Evan here." Kitty looked at Jared "You and Evan seem pretty close." Jared nodded "Yeah, we're good friends" Kitty looked at Jared "Well, I guess I'll get going now" she paused "Thank you, Jared." Jared smiled "It was nothing." Kitty waved and walked away. 

To Jared, this tour he gave didn't really help him figure her out. She seemed like a nice girl who was completely normal, which was okay. The only thing about her that stood out was her name, Katherine Howard the same name as the 5th wife of Henry VIII. With that he sat on the front steps of the school, thinking about Kitty as he waited for Evan.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter of Revenge. Things are finally starting to happen. Have a nice day!

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