Chapter 9: Investigation

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Alex walked around looking for any clue as to where John had gone. He had been to John's house to check for any sign of him but there was nothing. He thought back to the night when he last saw John and decided to retrace all of his steps from that night. He walked into the bar and went to the exact barstools where they were sitting that night. He recalled talking to John, Hercules, and Lafayette but that was about it. He was too drunk that night to remember anything.

Alex hit himself in the head, "Cmon Alex think, he could be running out of time as you sit here and wait," he muttered to himself. Alex remembered the last time he had seen John was when John asked to go to the restroom after that none of the group had seen John again. Alex traced John's steps from his stool to the bathroom but when he walked in the bathroom there was nothing. 

Alex stood in the bathroom thinking for a moment when he spotted a security camera in the bathroom. Of course! If John had been here it would be on tape. Alexander ran up to the owner of the bar, "Excuse me, can I check the security tapes?" The bar owner looked at him uninterested, "Those tapes take forever to access, I'm busy okay." 

Alex looked at him, "Fine then, I hope you're going to be happy when you're spammed with horrible Google reviews. The limit is 4000 characters and I intend to exceed that limit. So you are either going to get up and show me the tapes or you're going to enjoy all of the horrible reviews I give you on various sites." The guy groaned, "Fine since you're so committed" The owner walked up to the computer and typed in a few things to get to the security system, "So where and when are the tapes you want to investigate?"

"The bathroom around 11 pm from a couple of days ago," Alex said. The guy pressed a few more buttons and gave Alex the computer. "There you can look through the tapes," the bar owner said walking away. Alex quickly scanned through the tape but nothing. "How can this be, according to the security tapes John never even entered the bathroom that night," he muttered to himself. 

Alex switched to the tape of the last conversation that the group had with John. He watched the footage as John stood up and walked away from the group. Alex switched the tape to the hallway, John was walking down the hallway when a figure came out of the shadows and shoved John into a storage closet. Alex sat watching the tape waiting for the figure to leave the storage area with John but nothing. That was all there was. Alex tried to haphazardly find tapes for the storage closet but there was no camera there. Alex slammed his hands down onto the table, "WHO DOESN'T PUT A CAMERA IN THE STORAGE CLOSET?" he shouted frustrated.

The bar owner looked at him and shrugged, "There's no need. Besides another camera would be too expensive." Alex groaned, John probably got hurt but he would never know what happened because this guy was too cheap for another camera. Alex was about to slam his head on the desk again when his phone binged indicating another text from the group chat.

Jefferson: Guys come quick, Madison's been kidnapped.


Thomas was standing in the middle of the room with Aaron. Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy were the first people to run into the room followed closely by George Washington. Finally, Alexander ran in along with Hercules and Lafayette.

"Thomas, what do you mean James has been kidnapped?" Angelica asked out of breath. "I was standing in a room with Aaron and James showing them something on my phone when some guy threw a smoke bomb into the room. By the time the smoke cleared James had been taken out of the room Aaron and I were locked in. We heard his pleas for help before everything went silent.  When we finally got the door open he was just gone." 

George looked around the crime scene, "First Laurens and now Madison. Why would so many of our men be kidnapped?" Alex butt in, "Sir I know what happened to Laurens." Everyone turned to look at him. Eliza stepped forward, "Alex honey, how would you know that?" 

"I was investigating where John was last seen that night at the bar. He never made it to the bathroom, when he went down the dark hallway a guy shoved him in the storage closet. I was checking the camera footage but the guy never walked out of the closet. It was as if he was teleported away with John," Alex said recounting what he knew.

Peggy piped up, "What if they were killed? We don't know if they were kidnapped or if it was an assassin type thing." Alex shook his head, "They can't be dead. I refuse to believe it. Unless we can be given concrete proof they're dead they are alive as far as I'm concerned. Regardless, we need to go after the men who went after them." 

Washington shook his head, "No Alex if anything this is more the reason not to go after them. Whether they were killed or kidnapped we don't know what we're dealing with here. For all, we could know we could be dealing with a large organization with tons of funds and money. How would we be able to fight against that."

"Yes, but we did win the revolution, no?" Lafayette said. "Yeah, we were able to win the American Revolution despite being outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered and out planned. We could take on this organization." George sighed, "Men be realistic. Even then we had a lot more people on our side than we do now. This is also a different time period with different types of high tech weapons that we know nothing about. We shouldn't act until we know what we are dealing with."

Alex stormed over towards the door, "I'm going to find and help John." George reached out to him, "Son I can't let you do that." Alex pushed away at Washington's hand. "I'm notcha son. I am Alexander Hamilton and I won't take no for an answer," Alex said walking out of the room slamming the door behind him.

A/N: Hey guys it's been a while since I've done an Authors Note. I just wanted to say I really appreciate each and every one of you who is reading this story. We are approaching Chapter 10 soon and I wanted to put out a request for questions. I wanted to do a Q/A after chapter 10 to clarify any questions you have about the story before we move forward. You can ask things to either me or any of the characters. Thank you so much for reading this chapter of Revenge.

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