Chapter 13: Ham Fam Reunion

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Phillip was walking around outside. He had just left the library and decided to continue looking for other revived people. Phillip was brought back to life near the spot where he dueled Eacker. He didn't know anyone and was in a completely different world.

Once he got over the initial shock of being revived into a new world he decided that he wanted to find other people that were revived like he was. After all, he couldn't be the only one. Could he?

Phillip suspected that the girl from the library was like him. She was named Katherine Howard, the name of a historical figure. Another thing was the person who was with her. He had pointed out that Phillip's name was historical then asked if he had gotten kidnapped before, a weird thing to ask a person you just met.

Phillip thought about the kidnapping thing and suspected that maybe revived people were being kidnapped. If they were he should be careful and maybe start carrying something to protect himself with.

While Phillip was lost in thought he bumped into someone. Phillip stood up and helped the woman up, "I'm sorry about that- Wait, MOM?" Eliza looked up to see her son standing there and gasped. "PHILLIP!" Eliza pulled Phillip into a tearful hug. "Mom, I'm so happy to see you," Phillip cried out of joy.

Angelica and Peggy ran over to where they were. "Eliza did you catch up to Alex- Wait, is that Phillip?" Angelica said. "AUNT ANGELICA, AUNT PEGGY!" Phillip said his face lighting up. He pulled both of them into the hug.

The revolutionary squad and founding fathers caught up to them. "Is that the Hamilton kid?" Jefferson asked. Peggy nodded, "Speaking of Hamilton, where is he?"

"Hamilton ran that way, I stopped chasing him after I bumped into Phillip," Eliza said pointing in the direction he ran. "Hold on, I'll get him back," Angelica said before running after Hamilton.

Angelica caught up to Hamilton and grabbed him by the ear. "Angelica, what are you doing?" Alex asked. "Come with me Alex, it's important," Angelica said. "What could possibly be more important than finding John?" Alex scoffed. "Alexander Hamilton get your ass in gear and follow me or so god help me I will drag you by the ear," Angelica said frustrated. Alex sighed, "Then, by all means, lead the way."

Angelica pulled Alex to over where Phillip was. "Phillip...Son?" Alex said in shock. "Pa!" Phillip pulled him into a hug. Alex returned his son's embrace, "I didn't know you were also revived. I'm so happy to see you." Phillip smiled, "I'm so happy to see you too Pa." Eliza smiled, "Phillip, where have you been all this time?"

"When I was revived I was near the same spot where I died. I learned to adapt to the new world and I've been looking for others like me since," Phillip said. Angelica nodded, "We were all revived maybe six months ago. We were all together in a large mansion with a large amount of money and some essential items. We aren't sure how or why we were revived though."

"Weird, I was only brought back to life about three months ago and I didn't have any items on me when I was," Phillip said. "Maybe you were brought back differently than we were. Were you aged down when you were brought back? We all aged down to our 20s maybe since you were already young that's why you got brought back later?" Peggy said trying to figure out some sort of explanation.

"This is nice speculation and all but we should probably focus on the elephant in the room. Laurens and Madison have been kidnapped and we don't have a plan of action," Burr said. "Well maybe if you guys let me go ahead and take charge we would have a plan of action," Alex retorted. "Well, most of your ideas aren't the greatest. You're way too impulsive, its better if we just wait," Aaron shot back. "Yeah Burr go ahead and wait like you always do, let's see how far that gets you," Hamilton said.

"Wait did you say that they were kidnapped?" Phillip asked. Washington nodded, "That's what we're assuming for now. Your father found footage that proves John was kidnapped and Burr and Jefferson were near Madison when he was kidnapped." Phillip thought back to that moment in the library, "Earlier today someone asked me if I had been kidnapped." 

"That seems like a weird question to ask someone, no?" Lafayette said. "It is. What's weirder is the guy pointed out my name was the same as the son of Hamilton. There was a girl with him who shared a name with Katherine Howard. I think they were revived too, at least the girl was," Phillip said.

"Hamilton, your son might be on to something." George Washington said. "Of course he is, he has my good wits," Alex boasted. "Nah, I'm sure he gets whatever smarts he has from his mother," Hercules said snickering. Hamilton glared at him. "Where Phillip got his wits from isn't important. The important thing right now is we might have a lead on what happened to James and John. Did they tell you anything else?" Angelica asked Phillip. Phillip shook his head, "Not past that no, but they both go to my school it's possible I can find them later and ask them about it." 

Washington nodded, "Phillip you should do that, you might be able to find out the kind of people we're dealing with here and finally get some answers about this revival thing. Until then the rest of us should keep investigating. I also want everyone here to look out for more historical names, they might be able to give us a lead." Everyone agreed with Washington's orders, they finally had a lead.


King George looked at King Henry VIII and Squip, "How are we doing in terms of achieving our end goal?" Squip pulled up a chart and some data. "According to my sources, we have made it about 23% of the way to achieving our overall goal. As for our individual goals, Henry is closest to his having two out of six queens under his control and a means of tracking the rest of them. I have already squipped everyone I would want revenge on with the exception of one person. George has two revived revolutionaries in his custody which isn't great but if JD and Connor do their jobs correctly you will have many more soon," he stated.

Henry nodded, "And what's the progress on recruiting others to help with our cause?" Squip pulled up a different set of data, "Jenna Roland and Gretchen Weiners will continue fetching information since Gretchen wants the money, and Jenna is too scared of me to back out and won't leave Gretchen behind. As for Connor and JD, they have both gotten people under custody with JD doing better since he has a higher success rate in his missions. I have informed them of their status and scared them into submission. Currently, they are tasked with recruiting more henchmen for us to use with a side task of kidnapping the people we want revenge on." 

George smiled evilly, "I can't wait till I have Washington under my control, he's going to pay for what he did. Those Americans think they're so revolutionary with all of their ideas but they don't even know what's coming. I'll remind them who their king is and make them regret ever starting a revolution." Henry nodded, "Those little queens dare to defy me and choose not to give me what I want. Well, that ends now, once I get my hands on them I'm going to make them the perfect wives that they should've been before making their lives a living hell." Squip chuckled, "Don't you even worry, we'll have our chance to take our revenge, and once we do we'll be unstoppable."

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