Chapter 5: I'll Protect You

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Alexander sat on his bed staring at his phone. He had sent a text to the rest of his friends, but none of them knew where John was.

Alex: Hey guys, I haven't heard from John since we were hanging out at the bar, any idea where he is?

Hercules: No clue, maybe his phone broke? He's probably hanging out at his house.

Alex: I went to his house to check on him, he wasn't there.

Lafayette: We'll find him mon ami, don't worry.

Alex: We have to go find him, we'll start a search. What if he was kidnapped?

Washington: Alex, we'll report this to the authorities and they'll help us find John.

Alex: No, I'm going out to find him

Washington: Son, I don't want you going out on your own to try to search if he's truly been kidnapped 

Alex: I'm notcha son, and if he truly has been kidnapped, isn't that all the more reason to go looking for him? So we can protect him?

Angelica: Alexander, if he's been kidnapped why do you think it would be a good idea to go after him. All that's going to do is cause more trouble for everyone.

Eliza: What Angie is trying to say is, we don't want you to get hurt if you have a run-in with John's kidnappers. 

Alex: Okay

Alex looked at his phone, he appreciated that everyone was worried about him but he was more worried about John. He didn't care if he got hurt, he would be able to handle it. If John got hurt, however, he wouldn't be able to live with himself.  John had been through so much and he deserved the chance at happiness. Alex didn't care what it would take, he was going to find John. He had to, he had made a promise. "John," Alex whispered, "I'll protect you from these people if it's the last thing I do"


Veronica was walking through the hallways of her new school. She hadn't seen JD since he "died" and life was normal. That was until recently when people from different schools were all transferred to Pine High School. She didn't know anyone's names and decided not to bother with faces. Veronica just let herself fade into the background, like a nobody. 

Veronica was continuing on her way when she was tripped. "Oops, I'm so sorry. I have trouble seeing little rats." Regina George laughed. She was the Mythic Bitch at this school and she let everyone know it. "Regina, leave this girl alone." Janis walked over and held out her hand to help Veronica up. "Whatever you say, Space Dyke." Regina laughed and walked off.

Janis looked at Veronica "Don't worry about her, Regina George can get over herself," Janis smiled. Veronica smiled too "She really is a mythic bitch isn't she?" Janis laughed "You seem to know your fair share about people like her." Janis held out her hand, "The name's Janis Sarkisian, or as the Plastics call me "Space Dyke"." Veronica shook Janis' hand, "Veronica Sawyer, nice to meet you" 

Gretchen and Jenna stood spying behind the pillar, Gretchen was recording the conversation, just in case something interesting happened. Veronica took a close look at Janis, "You look like me, just with longer hair." Janis took a look at Veronica, "Yeah we do look similar. Maybe we could use that to prank some people." Veronica smiled, "I like the way you think." Veronica and Janis walked away laughing.

Gretchen stopped recording and Jenna looked at her, "Are you going to send that to Squip?" Gretchen shrugged, "I might as well I already recorded the conversation." Gretchen sent the audio to Squip. 

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