There Are A Lot! Let's Find A Club!

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Luchia: Hi! I'm Luchia Kiiroi and I'm 14 years old! This must be secret, I'm a heroine called Cure Jaune and fighting the Darkklor group with friends! Last day, we gone to Ao's and she belated Unmusing by herself, it was awesome! I must keep doing my best too!

Bara: Good morning Luchia!

Ao: Good morning!

Luchia: Good morning girls!

Bara: It has passed a month since you moved here Luchia!

Luchia: It's true!

Ao: Oh, that reminds me... Luchia, our teacher told me that you must join a club soon, cause you aren't in none of them...

Bara: You don't have a club???

Luchia: Not yet...

Bara: But clubs are great! Ao is in the music club, my sister is in the nature club, and I'm in the cheerleader club!

Luchia: I didn't knew you were in the cheerleader club.

Bara: It's just really funny! Anyway, wich do you want to join?

Ao: Why don't you join the art club? You like draw isn't it?

Luchia: (ironical laugh) You rember my drawing of Pallet right?

Pallet: I liked it-leto!

Ao: It's OK if you aren't good drawing, you like it.

Luchia: You are so nice, but I met lots of people of different types, and at the moment, Bara, Pallet and you are the only 3 in this world that respected me, people isn't nice with that..

Ao: Luchia...

Bara: In that case let's find another one you could love! C'mon, I will make a list!

Ao: Bara! Isn't that... Why are you looking me with that eyes...

Bara: Aoooo, you know all the clubs right, then please can you...

Ao: Drama, Music, Art, Cheerleader, Nature, Fashion (lots of clubs) aaaand don't forget the cooking club.

Luchia: A-amazing...

Bara: That's my friend! Any club that you liked Luchia?

Luchia: There are a lot...

Ao: I maded a list.

Luchia: When did you do it?

Ao: I didn't finished, but Bara's idea isn't that bad.

Bara: Yeah! When the last class finishes, it's club time!

They visited lots of clubs, first, and because Bara wanted, the cheerleader club.

Bara: And we start with the cheerleader club!

Ao: They are really good on acrobatics...

Luchia: Wait? That means that Bara can do that too?

Bara: Well I'm a noob so nope, but I can do another things!

Luchia: (both laugh) And who is she?

Bara: Oh, that's the president of the club, hi Carida!

Carida: Hi Bara! Ao! Who's this girl?

Luchia: I'm Kiiroi Luchia, I moved her a month ago...

Carida: Cool! I'm Nono Carida! Nice to meet you!

Luchia: (blushed) Yes!

Carida: You arrive in the perfect moment Bara! We have to practice for Saturday's match!

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