All Together! The Colorful Family!

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Bara: Hiiiiii there! I'm Bara and I'm 14 years old!

Ao: I'm Ao!

Luchia: Luchia!

Violet: And Violet!

Bara: You know what? We are Precure and we fight the forces of evil for protect everyone's heart colors! Last time Akagi reveled his secret, the truth is it was a fairy called Red, he is Pallet's brother! And he has another 5 brothers! We also know the story of the Colorful Palace, now that we know all, Violet is going to Akagi's house everyday for help them, she's so sweet!

Red: You don't have to do this always Violet...

Violet: (who is cooking for 6) Oh don't worry, it's a pleasure!

Yellow: Thank you miss Tachiaoi-yelo.

Purple: You are so kind-papo.

Violet: I told you that you can call me Violet, miss Tachiaoi sounds kinda formal. (it burns a tiny bit by the fir of the pan).

Red: Let me help you-redo! (turns into Akagi)

Blue: They look so cute together-buru.

Pink: Come on Blue say it, they look like a family-pinku.

Green: (sleepy) Cute...

Violet: (her face completely turns into red) What!? Nonono, a family? (imagines Akagi as a husband)

Akagi: Is something wrong Violet? You are burning the food...

Violet: (returns to the moment) Aaaaaaah (turns off the pan) Sorry...

Akagi: Don't worry, thank you so much for the help Violet! (smiles)

Violet: (turns red again) Nonono problem good bye! (leaves) Why I got so red? Akagi and I? A family? (imagines him as a husband again) what's wrong with me? I supose it's cause I helped him a lot...

Violet arrived house and saw Bara and Pallet very stressed, they said the fault was of her, who was her? Pink.


iolet: Pink? When did you?

Pink: You are kinda slow-pinku, we need your help again miss Tachiaoi.

Bara: Miss Tachiaoi? Well I can...

Pink: Not you-pinku.

Bara: (with crying eyes) Why?

Violet: (laughs) Come ooook Pink, I told you Bara is really cool.

Pink: Okay-pinku...

Violet: Please Bara forgive Pink, she's kinda closed at the start.

Pallet: It's awesome how confident Violet got with everyone-leto.

Bara: I still get ignored by all of them. (laughs sadly)

Pink: (feeling kinda sad) Don't worry-pinku you are amazing-pinku.

Bara: (with sparkling eyes) Piiiiiink... Thank you! (hugs her)

Pink: (smiles) Leave me!!!

Violet: Anyway why are you here Pink?

Pink: Big brother forget to go to the supermarket... Again-pinku...

Bara: Akagi forgot it?

Pink: Yes, he is kinds clumsy... At least he does his best in all-pinku... But he is so busy so can you help him please?

Colorful! Pretty Cure Where stories live. Discover now