Emergency!? Making A Musical In A Week!

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Pallet: Hiiiiii! I'm Pallet-leto! I'm a fairy of the Colorful Palace and I'm helping the Precure to save the world! Last time two of them, Bara and Violet had a discussion, but it's all fixed now! I will keep looking for the Red Brush today-leto!

Pallet stills looking for the Red Brush, when he's near to Luchia's house, he heard a scream coming from the girl, Pallet inmediatly teleported to Luchia's house, he saw Luchia was on the bed, looking spanted the mobile.

Pallet: What is it Luchia-leto?

Luchia: (scared and fast) Ao, art, me, musical, children, week.

Pallet: What-leto?

Luchia: Ao just rang me, the art contest is on a trip and they can help with children musical they were preparing with the drama and the music club, so they want my club for help...

Pallet: Well that's cool isn't it-leto?

Luchia: Well we only have a week... And we have to finish the decoration...

Luchia's mom (Amelie): Luchia! Ao has come!

Luchia: Ao? What is it?

Ao: I think we should have a talk, hey Pallet!

Pallet: Hiiiiii Ao-leto!

Ao: Are you allright? I know the musical idea can stress, but I think also this can be a good chance for you.

Luchia: Chance?

Ao: Yes, you also can knlw the people of the drama club! It will be funny!

Luchia: (gasp) Fine... You convinced me...

Next morning the clubs met, the Drama club had been nice with Luchia, all the decorates were practically done, but there were also some dresses and plants for draw, the teather was about the King of Spring, Midorikawa, the King actor, was very excited with the musical.

Midorikawa: Hey new decoration team! How are doing?

Random boy: Very nice!

Midorikawa: Cool! Thanks again for do your best! And what about the song music team?

Ao: We are doing our best as well! The kids will love them!

Midorikawa: Thanks Ao! Allright what if we start again with the teather?

Luchia: Looks like Midorikawa is very excited with the teather.

Ao: Well it's the first time he's protagonist!

Random girl: Hey Luchia can you help drawing this?

Luchia: Drawing???

Ao: Luchia can you come?

Luchia: Yes. What is it?

Ao: You can do it, everyone is here for help.

Luchia: Ao... Why? Why are you so nice with me this days?

Ao: Cause we are friends aren't we? I know you aren't fully used to be in this school, I want to show you it, because I think your smile is really cute!

Luchia: (blushed) Ao... Thank you!

Ao: See! You look so cute! (laughs)

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