The Green Brush!? Colorful Palace And What Happened!

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Today there's no introduction, Akagi just turned into red fog, the girls screamed a lot.

Bara: (supermegashocked) Akagi...!

Ao: (as shocked as Bara) It's...! It's...! It's!

Violet: (more shocked than the other two together) Aaaaaaaa...

Luchia: Unbelievable right? (laughs nervous)

Where Akagi was, now there was another thing, a red and brown flying little wolf, who was looking everyone's surprise faces, Akagi was a fairy! The fairy introduced himself.

Red: The truth is that I'm a fairy of the Colorful Palace called Red-redo. Surprised-redo? Uh...

Bara: ADORABLE! (hugs Red with sparkling eyes, the others still very shocked, specially Violet)

Red: Stop-redo!

Ao: This is so...

Luchia: Shocking?

Violet: But, I thought Pallet was the only fairy of the Colorful Palace...

Ao: Wait! When you told me that you have 6 brothers...

Red: (turns again into Akagi) They are also fairies, and yeah Pallet is my little brother.

Pallet: Me-leto?

Akagi: That's it, and you have another 5 brothers

Violet: (falls down)

Bara: Violet!

Violet: I'm fine, this is just...

Akagi: Violet...

Violet: (blushed and nervous) I'm fine I'm fine.

Pallet: Can I go plaese plaese plaese-leto?

Luchia: You also didn't told me the film story.

Akagi: Come with me.

Then the guys arrived to a small but good-looking house, and they got in.

Akagi: I'm back, oh also here there are the other Precure.

Five floating things with elemental colors appeared, a green sheep, a pink cat, a purple bunny, a blue Mermaid and a yellow fairy.

Akagi: Precure and Pallet, these are my brothers.

Bunny: I'm Purple-papo, ni-nice to meet you, I'm the second brother...

Fairy: Nice to meet you finally Precure-yelo! I'm Yellow, it's an honor-yelo, I'm the third sister.

Sheep: Green, the fourth-gorinu...

Mermaid: I'm Blue-buru, the fifth sister, hi to everyone-buru!

Cat: Pink-pinku, the 6th...

Bara: (with megasparkling eyes goes and hugs all of them) Adorable! Extremely adorable! You are so adorable!

Akagi: Oh yeah and this is Pallet your new little brother.

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