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Once (Y/n) had told her parents about the scores, it seemed like time flew by and in came the first day at U.A. It was going to be weird starting a new school after an intense entrance exam. She hadn't had a chance to contact Midoriya or Bakugo since receiving the results.

As (Y/n) was walking to her class, she looked at the schedule sent to her a few days prior and saw which class she was in -- 1-A seemed to be flowing with fresh faces. She didn't really recognize or know anybody until she entered the class, hearing a familiar voice already disagreeing with someone.

She saw Bakugo sitting with his feet up on a desk, something that he did everywhere he went, and saw some guy with glasses and dark colored hair arguing with him. She sighed, shaking her head at the ridiculousness.

"Really Katsuki, on the first day?" She shook her head, crossing her arms as she walked up to his desk.

"You're so disrespectful!" the other student yelled.

(Y/n) put her hand on the other student's shoulder. "I'm sorry about him, he's always been like this if it makes you feel better."

"No it does not, but thank you for trying." He turned to her. "I'm Tenya Iida."

"(Y/n) (L/n), and Miss Sunshine over here is Katsuki Bakugo," (Y/n) introduced, pointing to Bakugo.

"WhAt DiD yOu CaLl Me?!" Bakugo snapped, falling backwards in his chair.

Iida seemed to rush over to the door to speak with someone. (Y/n) saw who it was and ran over quickly.

"Oh hey Izuku!" (Y/n) greeted brightly.

"Hey (Y/n)," Midoriya greeted. "Oh this is Ochaco Uraraka."

"Nice to meet you," (Y/n) said as she put out her hand.

"Nice to meet you too, so are you his..." Uraraka started, pointing between the two. "...girlfriend?"

"No!" Midoriya and (Y/n) denied at the same time, shaking their heads and laughing a little.

"We're childhood friends," Midoriya explained. "Besides, she and Kacchan have a thing going on."

"Wait what?" (Y/n) retorted, looking bewildered with a slight pink tint along her cheeks.

Then Midoriya saw something behind Uraraka, and when the group's eyes followed, they saw what looked like a big yellow caterpillar. This turned out to be the class's homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa, or Eraserhead.

"Get on your gym clothes and go outside," he said lethargically as he pulled out some uniforms from his bright yellow sleeping bag.

"I wonder what we're doing," (Y/n) questioned to Bakugo quietly as they left the classroom.

"Shut up and maybe you'll find out," he sniped quietly. "Also, you won't be ahead of me again."

(Y/n) paused for a moment before realizing that he meant the practical exam where she got first while Bakugo got second.

Oh crap... (Y/n) thought. He's not going to let me win anything because of that stupid exam.

 He's not going to let me win anything because of that stupid exam

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