announcements, thank you's, etc.

146K 1.4K 333

Some of you may have noticed that this has stuff from the end of the book, but I just wanted to move it to the front for easier access! 

It makes it easier for me to have one place to say every thank you and announcement I need to!


I'm putting this up here because it is very important but I will also add it to the first chapter. 'Skylight' is going under and intense rewrite and revision process and each chapter will be republished after going through this process!

Thank you for your patience and continued love and support! <3


Hey guys! I just wanted to say a quick thank you for 5k reads! It's more than I could've asked for and I truly appreciate every single one of you that reads this book!



10k reads.

That's insane.

I am so utterly grateful to those who have read this book through the many editing processes and republishing. I know I still have a long way to go and this book still has a few errors, but that's what happens when you're learning to write.

I have so many ideas/quirks I want to write and the fact that you guys are willing to read my work makes me so happy. It was mainly for fun and as a creative output during quarantine. But the fact that people read it and like it is so much more than I could've ever wished for.

Thank you all for reading this book!

I think I just remembered why I don't draw as much anymore...


I just want to say another huge thank you for getting this book to 15K reads!



20K reads.

I probably sound pretty repetitive right now but thank you all so much! I know this is like the fourth or fifth time I've done this but I just can't thank you guys enough. It makes me feel so good knowing that people are reading my story!

I think my favorite part about a book gaining more reads is reading the comments of the book. I love laughing at some of the things you guys write, how you react, and other stuff like that!

On that note, I just want to say to you all one thing: please be kind to each other!

I adore when people get into discussions about things written but please remember to be kind to each other. Words are like daggers if used correctly.

A quote from Todoroki might help you all a bit more with what I'm trying to say:

"To have a complete stranger change your mindset sounds like a pretty irritating conversation. What matters are actions, you have to show him what you're trying to prove, right? If you're going to rely on words alone, then they better be incredibly powerful. What you say doesn't matter as much as what you actually do." (season 3, episode 3)

I'm aware that quote is more about actions speaking louder than words, but you get my drift. That's why I turned to writing, to illustrate my actions through words. It's not only a creative output during quarantine, but also a way for me to speak my mind.

Phew, I felt like my mother for a moment.

Anyways, just as a little pick-me-up I'd like to make a small announcement. I know that I'm writing like six books right now, but this one is something I've had in mind since starting the show. If you've seen my latest announcement, you'd know that I've recently started Assassination Classroom.

skylight | k. bakugo ✔Where stories live. Discover now