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As the students were at the station with their suits, about to go to their internships, (Y/n) realized she had forgotten a hair tie.

"Crap..." she mumbled.

"What?" Bakugo asked her as they walked to their train.

"I forgot a hair tie," she told him, pushing a stray strand of hair from her face.

"God, you always forget," he groaned, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a hair tie from it. "I've been prone to keeping one on me since you're such a forgetful idiot."

She took the hair tie as they boarded the train and went to find seats. "You're always there for me."

She tied her hair into a low bun, leaving a couple baby hairs out.

"What do you think Best Jeanist is going to be like?" she asked him as they sat down.

"I have no idea, but he's a pro, so that's what I care about," he responded, crossing his arms in his seat.

As the train ride passed by quickly and Bakugo and (Y/n) arrived at Best Jeanist's agency, they went to go put on their costumes. She put up her hair in a ponytail, putting her goggles on after putting on the sweatshirt-like top. She put on the shorts, followed by the knee high socks and black combat boots. She came out of the bathroom, pushing her goggles to her forehead, meeting Bakugo outside Best Jeanist's office.

"I forgot how much I liked your suit," (Y/n) told him, seeing how it accented his muscles.

"I like the goggles," Bakugo responded, pointing to them.

"You may come in now," one of Best Jeanist's sidekicks told them, opening the door to his office.

As the two went up to the desk, Best Jeanist was looking out the window. The two interns stood next to each other in front of his desk, waiting for something to happen.

"To be honest," Best Jeanist said, turning to look at Bakugo, "I don't like you very much, Bakugo. I know full well why you chose my agency, cause I'm one of the five most popular heroes. And for you, (L/n), I'm glad you chose my agency. I do look forward to working with you as you are a good fighter and can keep him in line."

"Thank you, sir." She nodded, feeling good but knowing Bakugo wasn't happy about this at all.

"Hey look, you're the one who made an offer for me," Bakugo pointed out angrily.

"Yeah, recently all my recruits have been perfect little angels, so you certainly stood out," Best Jeanest said, pointing to him. "I watched you at the sports festival, you have a good handle on your powerful quirk and a decent grasp of its applications. You're an outstanding talent, I'd say you're good enough to already take on as a sidekick. 

"Something similar goes for you, (L/n). You've got a good grasp on your quirk and how to use it. Given that you still have some things to discover, I'd say you are good enough to be a sidekick, too. 

"However, Bakugo, you do have a fatal flaw. You do believe you're the best, and you display that without thinking how it reflects you or your image. You have a ferocious nature."

"Wow," (Y/n) awed, looking back and forth between the two of them. "You're spot on, sir."

"Don't tell me you're here just to give me a lecture," Bakugo snarled, moving forward but was restrained by Best Jeanist's quirk. (Y/n) took a step back as he did not get her caught in this.

"I have to correct people like you," Best Jeanist continued. "It's part of my duty to society. Heroes and villains are cut from the same cloth. So your job here is to watch me, I'll show you what it means to be a hero."

"What're you doing?" she asked Best Jeanist, touching the strings restraining Bakugo.

"Isn't it obvious?" Best Jeanist replied. "I'm educating you on being an exemplary pro. That means being aware of how you speak, your appearance, controlling your emotions, morals. There are countless things you need to learn, but in the brief period of one week, I will stitch these things into the fabric of your being."

After Best Jeanist released Bakugo, (Y/n) just stared at him. "Man, he really put you in your place."

"Shut up, (Y/n)."

"Miss (L/n)," Best Jeanist started, turning to her. "I know that you may have discovered some new form with your quirk, please try not to go into that form unless we absolutely need it, okay?"

"Yes sir, I'll try," she responded, scratching her arm.

As soon as it had started, day one of the internship had ended

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As soon as it had started, day one of the internship had ended. Best Jeanist had given Bakugo and (Y/n) a room with two twin beds to share throughout the week. But they were not told this, they thought they were going to have separate rooms.

"Wait, what...?" she mumbled, looking into the room.

"This will be you room," one of the sidekicks showed them. "Enjoy your hardworking stay."


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