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"Nice try, Hero."

(Y/n) jumped up, vaulting herself off of a steppingstone to dodge an attack from behind her. The darkness soon faded away as she saw two villains in front of her, Rompa and Henkiji Tengai.

"You're not very big, are you?" Rompa stepped forward, revealing how huge he was compared to her.

"You're not very smart though!" She jumped up and blasted him, knocking him back a little.

He came at her again, trying to get a punch in. (Y/n) just jumped to the side, creating a forcefield for him to run into and blast back onto himself. He spun to the side and aimed a punch straight at her, she created another forcefield in response.

But instead of it creating potential energy to release...

It shattered.

(Y/n) flew back from the force, tumbling and landing on her knees. "No..."

"You're a weaker version of me." Tengai came out of the shadows. "How pathetic."

She jumped up and went into her second form, charging straight for him as a change. She ran right into the forcefield he created in response, bouncing her back into the nearby wall and forcing her out of second form.

She stood up, wiping the blood from her nose.

I can't fight them both... not like this, she thought as Rompa came at her again. She jumped up, grabbing the edge of a steppingstone as she swung off of it--kicking of of Rompa's back and landing onto another steppingstone to use for her mini-mobility. I just need to survive until a Pro comes!

"You can't run away that easily!" Rompa jumped up and punched through the steppingstone--shattering it as he grabbed her foot-- and throwing her to the ground.

(Y/n) screamed out in pain after feeling the massive amount of force against her back. Rompa then tried to punch her again, but she created another forcefield that he just shattered.

I'm in complete darkness, I'm useless down here, she thought as she tried to dodge the attacks, rolling out from under him. I'm going on my own energy alone and that's starting to run out real quick.

She jumped up, going into second form in a desperate attempt to fight back. She grabbed Rompa's fist as he was about to punch her, smirking as he was shocked that she blocked an attack. But that was quickly wiped off when he used his other fist to punch her side, knocking her away.

(Y/n) grunted as she landed hard, rolling a bit to the side. Rompa started coming at her again, Tengai calmly saying to him, "You're going a little overboard, don't you think?"

"Shut up!" Rompa yelled at him in response.

She stood up and started running to try and recuperate at least a little bit, almost completely positive that she had broken some ribs. That was when she heard some grunting not too far away.

She used her sensing to see a couple familiar auras, running towards them.

"Red! Fat Gum!" she screamed as she stumbled to them.

"Sky! How did you--" Kirishima then went into his hardened form. "Look out!"

Rompa then came up behind her and grabbed her hair, which had fallen out of the up-do it was in from being thrown around, throwing her up and punching her like he was serving a volleyball. She flew to the side and smashed into the wall, hitting her head really hard.

She looked up from the broken ground, her vision clouding as she watched Rompa hit Kirishima into the wall and throwing a barrage of punches at Fat Gum. Her vision then faded away, the voices starting to quiet as they echoed around her as if she were at the opposite end of a long tunnel.

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