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Bakugo and (Y/n) stood up after the announcement, walking over to Kirishima to discuss the next round.

"I can see why you got sleeves now," (Y/n) said, pointing to Kirishima's obvious costume change. "That way you can help more bystanders."

"Yeah, exactly." Kirishima smiled, glad she noticed the reason for the change. "How are you planning on helping more people with your quirk?"

"I know this may be kind of a stretch, but you know my steppingstones?" (Y/n) started, Kirishima nodding in response. "I was thinking now that I can do then without my hands, I can begin to help with carrying more people and getting them away from areas using them."

"Actually," Bakugo said, thinking about the action, "that could really work."

Kirishima and (Y/n)'s jaws probably dropped to the floor that moment. Did Bakugo really just agree with a plan? 

Bakugo looked between the two after not hearing a response, immediately yelling at them, "Don't look so surprised! What's so shocking about me agreeing with something?!" 

The two then laughed slightly at the spiky-blonde's response, Kirishima grabbing some food that was offered after they had finished. He looked up from his filled plate, stating to the group, "Oh hey, it's Shiketsu."

"Hm?" Bakugo looked over from the conversation he was having with (Y/n).

"Bakugo," one of the... hairier... students started.


"I think you met Shishikura in the test," he continued after getting his attention. "Our classmate with the flesh molding power."

"Yeah, I took him out," Bakugo nodded, remembering the fight.

"I thought so," the hairy student, Mora, continued once more. "I'm guessing he may have acted rudely or perhaps offended you. He has a tendency to push his own values onto others. He probably couldn't help if in your case since you're pretty famous. I apologize for him, I'd like to build a good relationship between our schools. Anyways, that's it."

Then they left, going off to deal with their own stuff. Todoroki called over one of the students to talk to him, the conversation appearing to be a bit more hostile than intended. (Y/n) just shrugged it off, it was probably nothing to worry about.

Kirishima grabbed a chicken leg and began munching on it, (Y/n) sipping her water as the bell rang to start the next test. The room opened while describing the backstory for the situation, (Y/n) put her empty water bottle in the recycling (save the planet) and her eyes began to glow. Once they shouted to start, she jumped up onto her steppingstones, using her new boots to focus the energy into them.

Bakugo began to go off into another direction as (Y/n) saw from above and went with him, Kirishima and Kaminari following him cause they wanted to. The four went off to the mountain zone, hearing some distant yelling.

"I'm gonna try and sense where they are, give me a minute," (Y/n) said using her ability to sense the bystanders quickly, finding their location. She waved them over as she began to run to where she had located them. "Over here, follow me!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugo barked, causing (Y/n) to shoot him a death glare, which shut him up quickly. 

The four found two bystanders in one of the ditches, yelling for help.

"My arm hurts pretty bad," one female bystander said.

"Mine too, save us!" the male bystander followed-up.

"Shut up! Save yourselves, you whiners," Bakugo yelled at them, leaving the other three appalled by his behavior.

"Man you gotta work on your rescue style." Kaminari leaned forward, looking down at the two.

"They might be really hurt, we can't just leave them here!" Kirishima told him.

"You're an idiot, Katsuki." (Y/n) shook her head, looking down to the bystanders.

"Wait, we're only supposed to be low-priority victims with minor injuries," the female bystander quietly said to the male.

"You think that he figured it out, and that's why he told us to go off on our own?" the male one asked.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Kaminari exclaimed after hearing them. "They took it in a way that made it sound okay?!"

"Let's just get to them." (Y/n) sighed, kicking off of the rocks and bouncing off of one small steppingstone as she carefully landed near the bystanders.

"Don't worry, we'll get you two somewhere safe," Kirishima said while jumping down to them, following (Y/n) down into the ditch.

"You two check on them, I'm sure there's first aid station set up in the city, I'll try and sense it. Once I do I'll take these two to the station while you go find more bystanders," (Y/n) said as they checked on the bystanders.

As Kirishima and Kaminari checked on the bystanders, (Y/n) created a big steppingstone--one big enough to hold the two bystanders and her as sensed the first aid station.

"They have minor injuries," Kirishima informed her after finishing the quick check-up.

"Okay, I found the first aid station, I'll take them over," (Y/n) informed them, turning to the bystanders. "Please step on this, it's very safe and it will be able to take you to the first aid station."

The two bystanders nodded and stepped on. (Y/n) stepped onto the steppingstone in front of them, her hands glowing slightly brighter than before as she clenched her fists. 

I've been practicing this a lot, while it's not enough to become a special move, it's certainly enough to help out more people, she thought as the steppingstone shook a little, levitating a bit higher than previously. 

The steppingstone moved up a bit, (Y/n) letting out a sharp breath through her teeth as she relaxed a bit more, the process becoming a bit easier as the steppingstone no longer shook. 

Finally, it began to move, going in the direction of the first aid station she had located. Bakugo, Kaminari, and Kirishima watched as she completed the new feat--one that they had peeks at during their training, but they hadn't seen it in action. 

"Your girlfriend's quirk is crazy," Kaminari commented as he watched her take away the two bystanders. "But I guess when you're crazy, you get pretty good at managing a quirk like that." 

"(Y/n) isn't that crazy!" Bakugo barked at him, clenching his fists as he turned back towards (Y/n), who was growing further and further away from them. "But I guess I love crazy." 


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