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"We were one in a million And love is hard to find"

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"We were one in a million
And love is hard to find"

Selah's pov

Its been two months since Oscar and i broke up.

We were on good terms now. He was not back with Luna and that kind of made me feel better about the situation.

But i knew that i should probably take time to focus on my career.

Oscar agreed too. He was always supportive about it.

And for my career... it was doing well.

I've gained more supporters thanks to my assistant Rachel.

She really know how to get people's attention.

She got me to perform at a concert that consisted with several famous singers. This was definitely good publicity.

Also her boyfriend who just so happens has to my brother, Terry. Yeah thats a thing now.

We've been creating such good music together. Its crazy how much we've done.

I just created a song called rare. People love it.

I wrote it when Oscar and I officially broke up face to face.

I was hurt.

Our break up was honestly a blessing and a curse.

He gave me some good song ideas. But he was no longer mine.

"Okay i lied. This one is my favorite." Rachel cheered as she started dancing around the studio as 'Feel me' played all throughout the room.

"I love this one too. Its like a sad song but also a song you can dance to." Terry nodded his head with the song.

"Okay so this is for sure going on the album?"

"Yes!" They both shouted in unison.

"Why did i even ask?" I chuckle as i shuffle through my writing journal.

"I have another song ready to record as well." I stood up.

"Woah calm down buddy. We've been recording all day. Lets take a break." Terry interrupted.


"No butts. Only Rachel's."

"Stupid." Rachel laughed as she grabbed her purse.

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