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[Moon Yunso]—O
Yunso soaks in the bathtub. She fills up her lungs with air and floats up on top of the water, then blows everything out and sinks to the bottom. She then puts her head underwater to listen to her pulsating heartbeat. It's slow thumps vibrated through the water. Although a sudden ringing noise swirled into the calming sounds of herself, interrupts Yunso.
She rises up gripping the outsides of the bathtub while trying to locate her noisy phone. With her still blurry vision, she blindly searches for it. Slapping her heavy arm on the sinks granite before finally coming into contact with the recognizable cold sensation.
And without looking at the caller ID, knowing she wasted time, she brings the phone to hover over her left cheek and answers.

"Hello?"  Yunso says in a rushed tone.

"Hey babe, so I'm calling to remind you that your flight leaves in 4 hours. I hope you're fully packed this time?" Liam softly asked. He left to work around six in the morning, like always. Yunso has been packed since yesterday but she's got to admit...the bath water was becoming kinda cold.

"Yes I am, I just have to dry my hair and get dressed"  She replies back trying the make sure not to give away her position by accidentally splashing the water.

"Great, just making sure. Have a safe flight, I miss you already"  Monotone, giving her what she wants to hear. Blah.

"Me too, thank you again."  Yunso fights through being casual but she truly was thankful so that helped a tad. "Bye~"  She quickly adds a smooch sound effect before rushingly ending the call.

Yunso sighs out before dropping the phone allowing the grey bathroom rug to take over for her. 'Why was life treating me this way?' That is all that her mind says.

She leans forward, reaching toward the bath plug underneath the water, and then she spends her next couple of minutes watching the cloudy liquid get sucked into the dark dirty drain. Yunso felt like it too. The damn water.

After her body shivered for the umpth time Yunso finally slides herself up and stumbles out of the shower. She rushingly wraps the cotton towel around her frail body. Hoping for some warmth.

After standing around adjusting she pulls out her hairdryer and straightener from under the sink. Getting prepared to rush and experience a draining long flight ahead.

'It's going to be worth it though'

[Kim Taehyung]—X
"Come on! Come on! Hurry up"
Noises and screaming are all Taehyung heard and all he's been listening to it ever since he woke up. Which would be precisely an hour ago.

With limited bathrooms and space in the promotion dorm, Taehyung struggles or well everyone does to get ready. No one packed early like usual, since they only found out about this sudden trip yesterday. Everyone knew the chaos that was going to unfold in the morning 
and boy, were they right.

| A/N: BTS only stays in the dorm together during comebacks and promotion periods. When free they live in their separate apartments which will be explained more later. |

Their managers we're trying to help. Key word, "trying".

Taehyung peeks into his bag once more making sure that all his necessities were there.
'Think, think, am I forgetting something?'

Then it hits him, his sketchbook. He knows himself that he's been slacking on his drawings. With almost no time or place to do it, this trip might make up to for it.

He quickly parkours back into his room and opens the desk drawer, digging around before finding the ringed book. It was around the size of a head. Not too big yet not too small, perfect.

"Chop chop everyone our ride is here and it's not gonna wait for your asses"
Taehyung jogs back over to his bag slipping the book inside before zipping it closed. 'At least everything fit.' He thinks to himself grateful.

And then finally Taehyung makes his way to the doorway exit with a smile.


Taehyung takes back everything he ever said. He was not delighted anymore. With the blinding cameras and screaming fans, Taehyung was just disappointed.
'How the hell did all these people know where we are going when we only found out yesterday! YESTERDAY!' He internally screams to himself.

| A/N: we would like to know too...it's honestly sus |

Taehyung goes through yet another doorway entrance before a hand slaps his arm. Either it was a fan or...he peers back seeing a wide-eyed Namjoon having his arm stretched out towards him. Right away it clicked, Taehyung knew what he wanted. He rushingly digs his hand into the pocket of his trousers, pulls out his passport, and passed it over to the frightened boy. Namjoon then went after the other members.

Fans swarmed them more and more leading up to the entrance of the plane. They couldn't take their private plane for company reasons so this was going to be interesting.


Yunson rushes through the airport, luckily knowing her way. She is so used to the airport that it was like her "second home". With a small gentle smile plastered on her face, she jogged in her white sneakers passing by varieties of people. The closer she got the more butterflies that grew in her stomach. She was eager and at the same time, not.

She was a tad late but with New Yorks's traffic jams what would you expect. At least she was glamorously late.

With a long 9-hour flight ahead, Yunson turned left into a store. She grabbed a water bottle and a veggie burrito. Just like always, just without the exquisite bitter coffee.
With money already prepared in her hands she practically threw it into the hands of the worker and dashed away.

At last, she saw the line of people entering onto the jet bridge. 'Perfect just on time' Yunson pep talked to herself in relief.

After the usual ticket check, entering and walking through the crowded isles. She finally made it to her row and glanced over at her chosen window seat to simply check if a six-foot goblin wasn't casually sitting there. As that could totally be the case at least once in life.

Yunso began reaching up to the plane's overhead compartment to place her luggage as someone suddenly bumped into her making her lose her balance. Gripping onto a seat and finding her balance, embarrassment flooded her face.
'Typical Yunson'

As a 5'2 female, what more should she have expected. Bad thoughts about herself filled her mind. An older man in his late 40s apologized before lightly grasping her elbow.

"It's okay, thank you.."  Yunson quietly said making eye contact with him. She turned away and finished putting away her bag. She was grateful he at least apologized, it was rare in New York. She would've felt more idiotic if not. 'He must've be a foreigner'

Squeezing passed two people, she was met with her seat. Basically almost throwing herself into the comforting and familiar firm cushion.

At last, after 3 plus hours of rushing Yunson has gotten a break.

But not for long...

End of Chapter 3

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