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[Moon Yunso]—O
Vibrations surround her and sounds of wind whistling wake Yunso from her slumber. She robotically tweaks her eyes open, and this time luckily not being attacked by the dawn lights. She then turns to check the horizon, seeing that it was coated with a dark blue almost violet hue. The sun was only just rising and the clouds were already long gone.
As Yunso leans more toward the window to get a better look, she was able to see the city's lights scattered around the dark ground.
'Ah we are already close' Yunso mentions to herself.

Her stomach then growls hungrily, 'dang it, I missed my second meal'
This was sorta odd to other people but Yunso actually has grown fond of airplane food.

To get her mind off her rippling stomach Yunso opens up the destination map on the plane's tablet screen that was placed behind the seat in front of her. It informed her that the plane should be landing in precisely 6 minutes. As the plane began to inch closer with every minute, Yunso would begin planning out what her next steps would be after they land. Then it hit her, she almost forgot she came alone this time.

Since she's never been to Italy, obviously, this will be more difficult. But like always, Yunso knows it will work out in the end, in some way. 'Positive thoughts Yunso...positive thoughts'

One thing was for sure though, she has to get food first. No exceptions.
Then she will have 3 hours or so to explore the main city and take pictures. After snooping around Yunso could take a bus or whatever to the hostess house she was staying at. It was located in some 'countryside' of Italy. 

During her free time Yunso has made plans with a family that will help her learn about the historic sculptures in a Italy.
'Maybe I'll even be able to uncover some new ones' Yunso thinks to herself giddily.

After the plane starts reaching land a smile was plastered along with it. Coming straight from Yunso.


[Kim Taehyung]—X
Taehyung has finished watching NARNIA his now third movie of the painfully long flight and switched to some music instead. Snooping through trying to locate any peaceful music trying to drown out Namjoon's heavy breathing...

Seeing their Japanese album pass by Taehyung finally decides on some Kehlani.

He zips up his Nike sweatshirt before leaning back and crossing his arms across his broad chest.

Taehyung peers out the window one last time before dozing off with a purple haze of a sky still imprinted in his head.

Oh how he wished to just hold someone's hand in his, to rock back and forth to music at the very moment. Maybe on the wing of the plane or even on the moon. Where ever it may be and whoever it may be. He just wanted that.

Aeroporto di Milano Linate

After nine hours of aching muscles, Yunso is able to grab her belongings and walk away from the tiresome seats.

While Taehyung and the rest of the boys were stuck in the air for another 2 hours or so.

Stumbling a bit Yunson makes her way down the carpeted stairs with her suitcase in one hand and her backpack in the other. Which she soon threw over her shoulder. The air was automatically different, with humidity, new scents and shades of greenery.

She and the rest of the jet's passengers made their way inside a compact bus that would transport them to the airport. Like most times, she stayed standing feeling guilty since most of the other passengers were older adults in patterned shirts. Not to mention the beer bellies.

As the bus began moving she watched the sun rise awfully slow. At the same time Yunso prepared herself for an exhausting day to come. Luckily for her, the airport was only an hour-ish away from Cremona, the place she was staying at. Her host family said she should connect them after she finished touring around so they could begin cooking so by the time she arrived, it would be ready to munch.

Yunso, now standing in front on the baggage carousel with a trolley next to her, which held the rest of her items. She began to doze off tapping her foot anxiously, but regained focus and spotted the familiar vermilion suitcase.

As it inches closer she shuffled in between a pair of rambling plump older ladies. She apologized and proceed to scoop up her suitcase. Or well attempted to do it as fast as she could feeling horrible for barging in.
Once the wheels of the bag hit the tile flooring she ducked underneath the now angered older grandparents. Not before nervously smiling out a "sorry" once more.

[Kim Taehyung]—X
Taehyung throws a piece of gum in his mouth preparing for the landing. Hoping his ears don't explode during the landing.

"I wonder if there is gonna be fans even here in Italy" He overhears Jungkook's voice ask eagerly behind himself. Taehyung rubs his arms aggressively trying to get rid of the scaled goosebumps that now covered his skin. Taehyung looks to his right past Jin to see Jimin and his soulmate already flirting. He rolls his eyes but ends up smirking like always.

"Of course there will, a better question is how many"  Yoongi grumbles back a reply, who from what Taheyung knew, only just woke up. Yoongi sat with Hobi so he was sorta evesdropping in a sense, not his fault they were loud.
'No, it's probably just me trying to get my mind off things. If they were actually "loud" then Jin hyung would be snickering beside me. All I hear is them, so my fault' Taehyung rants to himself.

He switches his focus to the gum lodged in between his tongue and teeth. Taehyung's chewing begins getting more and more aggressive the closer the floor was nearing the plane.

End of Chapter 4

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