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[Moon Yunso]—O
The difference of social standers between the two are unknown but well seen. Bodyguards and staff on each side of the members leading them to their vehicles. While Yunso peacefully strode out of the airport hoping for a exceptional burst to zap through her but she was disappointed as she met with no exciting sight. Just bustling people and cars, not to mention almost no greenery either.
Yunso was collected in the means of being stranded in a place she's never experienced before. One thing is for sure, she knows she is capable of doing anything she can't put her mind to. With the fact that she grew up in a toxic masculine household, she learned the struggles of it as well. She doesn't need to be a fool and submissive. Yunso is an independent woman that is affectionate, which makes her confident in her strengths. Which may play a role in her little side modeling hobby.

Yunso with her arms delicately crossed, waits with a bundle of people for the next scheduled stop. She tries to focus and observe the minimalistic things in her vision. The blue chewing gum on the floor, the tiny peacocks on some man's decorative flannel, and the vandalized smiley faces drawn on a bench's legs. Soon enough she blinks out of her bubble and focuses on the people entering the bus that unnoticing arrived.
This time, she actually allows herself to take a seat beside one of the chairs closest to the manual doors.
She allowed her mind to switch to thinking back on her favorite memories instead to pass the time. One of them unexpectedly being the story of this one special specific photoshoot, it was a sort of out-of-the-blur moment. Something that would have never crossed your mind but once it happens, it feels like placing a cherry on top of your day.

Yunso was only about eighteen, so ultimately four years ago. She was, to say the least not the most confident, compliments were a short burn but her mind was her worst enemy. Especially at the stage of moving away from home and college, not interacting with people so she sorta lost herself. Soon yearbook pictures arrived, she was scheduled next, stomping up on the platform with her new pair of high heels greeting the photographer. Nothing out of the ordinary, same as it has been every year.

"Okay were finished, but may I ask," Said the scrawny blond nerd that snapped her photos, Yunso lifted her head while collecting up her items, she looked the boy in the eye waiting for him to continue.
"Do you perhaps have time after school to take a couple more shots for a different project," There was a pause. "I mean, it's also meant for the school but I'd like to choose you as one of our models" The boy sputters out quickly.

"Oh! errr"  Yunso standing awkwardly with her jacket and bag in hand suddenly feeling the need to grip something. "Well, I...sure why not" She smiled weakly at the now more handsome fellow before her.

"Great! well here's my number I will send you the time and place" He said while scribbling down on a random pamphlet before turning around and giving her the brightest smile she saw in a while.

"Of course, thank you." She said genuinely, looking down at the small paper being slipped into her hands, not ignoring the ticklish rub of his fingers as he passed it to her.
She's the first to turn away. Yunso made her way down the steep metal steps and soon looked back down at the folded paper which now showed a name.


End of Chapter 5

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