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Mira POV

"Ahh, it's so nice to relax in a hot spring before a job!" I said as I walked down the street, "" a young boy said weakly, "Oh my!" I said as I ran over to the boy and picked him up, "Oh no you're burning up!" I said, "Come on, I'm taking you back to my room!" I said. I didn't realize it at the time, but I had already failed my job as far as I was concerned. I was supposed to stop a group of thugs from harassing the guests. Apparently, the thugs had become bolder and when a group of guests refused to hand over their valuables the thugs murdered them, the guests were killed were a family with a young child who only survived because his mother shoved him into some bushes in order to hide him.

"There there you'll be alright." I said as I put a cool damp cloth on the child's forehead. Suddenly the child woke up, "Hi there, I'm Mira what's your name?" I asked suddenly the child began to cry, "What's the matter?" I asked, "O...Ow...Owie!" He cried as he threw the covers off him and I saw that his hands, knees, and arms were covered in cuts and scrapes, "Let me take care of that for you." I said as I got the first aid kit out, "This will sting a bit so I need you to be a big boy for me alright?" I said he nodded and I sprayed the disinfectant lacrima on his wounds before bandaging them. "There all better, now what's your name?" I asked, "(y/n)." He said softly, "Well (y/n) where are your parents?" I asked, "Don't know." He said softly, Oh well it's late so you should get some rest alright." I said as I lied him back down and covered him up again.

The next morning I learned about the murders, "T...This is close to where I found (y/n)!" I said in horror, "T...These must be his parents." I said sadly, "MAMA! MAMA!" (y/n) shouted as he searched for his mother, "(Y/N) NO, DON'T LOOK!" I said as I blocked his view of the bodies, "Mama?" (y/n) asked, "I'm so sorry. Your mama and papa are gone." I said, "If you want I'd be more than happy to take you in." I said as he looked up at me with tear-filled eyes before he hugged me and began to cry, "I'll take that as a yes." I said as I comforted him.

The Demon's Child (male child reader X adoptive mother Mirajane Strauss)Where stories live. Discover now