Chapter 1

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Mira POV

"(y/n) sweetie hold still!" I said as I tried to wash my son's hair, It's been almost a week since I met (y/n) and just as I said I took him in without a hint of hesitation. Normally he's a very sweet boy, but he doesn't like being alone for very long. Before we left the resort the guards told me that I could have whatever I wanted from (y/n)'s former parent's belongings since it all went to (y/n) and I was now his guardian. We took all of his things, a bit of his mother's jewelry, and a magic mobile. I had left him alone for a bit to load our things into the car and before long (y/n) came sprinting outside in tears. I decided that he thinks if he's alone that something bad will happen to either me or him, I thought it was sweet that he worried about me this much. It would have been about a week-long journey, but with the magic mobile it would only take about a day so we got to stay for a few more days. "There all done." I said as I got him out of the bath, "Today I'm going to take you to the guild. You'll get to meet my friends and your aunt and uncle." I said as I dried him off and got him dressed.

(y/n) POV

"Hey, Mira glad you're back!" a man with pink hair said, "Thank's Natsu. Are Lisanna and Elfman around? I have someone I want them to meet." Mama said, "No they decided to go do some job with Evergreen." a blonde girl said, "Oh well then you five will be the first to meet him." Mama said, "Natsu, Happy, Gray, Lucy, and Erza I'd like to introduce you to my son, (y/n)." Mama said happily as she pulled me out from behind her so I couldn't hide from the others, "SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAVE A KID?!" Lucy said, "Well I decided to take him in after his parents...passed away." Mama said, "It's nice to meet ya (y/n) I'm Natsu and this is Happy!" Natsu said, "AYE!" Happy said, "Well you are kinda cute. Hi, I'm Lucy." Lucy said, "I agree he is quite adorable. My name is Erza, I've been friends with your mom ever since we were kids so, please feel free to call me auntie Erza if you want." Erza said, "And I'm Gray, just stick with me and you'll be fine. Oh and try to avoid flame for brains over there, wouldn't want ya to catch his stupid now would we?" Gray said, "YOU TRYEN TO PICK A FIGHT FROSTY?!" Natsu said, "WHAT YOU WANNA GO, DRAGON BOY?!" Gray said, "I've got an idea, let's fight and let the kid decide who's better!" Natsu said, "Fine by me!" Gray said as we all went outside. "Alright, you two I don't want you to go all out in front of my son got it." Mama said, "Yes Mira!" Natsu and Gray said, "I'LL START US OFF WITH THIS! ICE-MAKE: LANCE!" Grey shouted as several lances made of ice flew at Natsu, "FIRE DRAGON...WING ATTACK!" Natsu shouted as his arms burst into flames and hed slammed them into the ice lances turning them to mist instantly, "ICE-MAKE: CANNON!" Gray shouted as he fired a ball of ice from a cannon made from ice, "FIRE DRAGON...ROAR!" Natsu shouted as flames flew from his mouth and destroyed Gray's spell, "Ok you two that's enough! Or do you wanna scare (y/n)?!" Lucy said, "Yeah I guess your right, well (y/n) who won?" Natsu asked, "Go on sweetie tell us who you liked the best." Mama said, "ROAR!" I said happily, suddenly a high-pressure torrent of water flew from my mouth sending me flying backward into my mother, "I know that type of spell!" Lucy said, "My son's a dragon slayer!" Mama said, "Well his breath attack smelled salty like seawater." Natsu said, "And it tasted like it too." Erza said as water dripped off her, "Well then looks like (y/n) is the Sea Dragon Slayer." Natsu said.

The Demon's Child (male child reader X adoptive mother Mirajane Strauss)Where stories live. Discover now