Chapter 4

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Mira POV

"So what should your name be? Charlotte? No, it'll take (y/n) far too long to learn how to say that. Eva? Hmm no, you don't look like an Eve to me. OH, I KNOW! How about Coco!" I said, "I like it but why Coco?" Evergreen asked, "It's because she's sweet, and (y/n) and I found her eating chocolate strawberries." I said, "Well I like it. It's cute." Lisanna said, "Hmmm..." Coco said as she stared at Evergreen, "I know my beauty is mesmerizing but please try not to stare." Evergreen said, "Eh Tia was far prettier and her chest was far bigger." Coco said, "WHAT! HOW RUDE!" Evergreen said, "Mama." (y/n) said sleepily, "Looks like it's naptime." I said, "Sorry everyone looks like I'm gonna have to cut this short." I said, "I can take him back to your place and put him down for a nap. Tia taught me how." Coco said, "Alright that sounds fine to me." I said.

Coco POV

I flew (y/n) back to Mira's place and tucked him into bed. "Tia." I said sadly, "Story." (y/n) said, "You want me to tell you a story?" I said he nodded, "Ok I'll tell you a story about a kind dragon named Tiamat and her beloved child." I said

Flashback 3rd person POV

One day over four hundred years ago, a dragon named Tiamat decided to remain impartial. She didn't mind the humans, nor did she hate them. She had been known to kill humans from time to time but she never once attacked first when she did kill she did so out of self-defense. However, her impartiality didn't come without resistance, her old friends Igneel, his son Ignia, and Atlas Flame desperately tried to sway her to join their side, but she didn't join them. Another friend came to visit her one day. This friend was Irene Belserion, she applauded Tiamat's decision and gave her a gift, an armlet made of the teeth from each fire dragon Tiamat had slain. She had taken it upon herself to enchant it so that it would never break and so that it would always fit its wearer. As a side effect, this armlet would grant its wearer immunity from heat and fire so long as they wore it. 

Eventually, the war came to an abrupt end when the Black Dragon Acnologia began the genocide of the entire dragon race. She managed to escape thanks to a human named Zeref, who turned her into a human. Thanks to this she was spared from the massacre. Eventually, Tiamat learned how to transform to and from her human form back into a dragon at will. Her life was boring, to say the least, she lived in a constant state of apathy. She had a bad tendency to distance herself from everyone. Since her body didn't appear to age she found this to be for the best. So for over four hundred long years, she isolated herself from the rest of the world. She honed her magic and only revealed herself when she felt it necessary. She eventually became a legend that was doomed to fade away as time crawled on. But one day she came across an abandoned child, she felt nothing but pity for the child and decided to take him in. She named the child (y/n) and raised him as tho he was her own. "Ok, so I'm a mother now? Am I supposed to feel any different?" Tiamat said as she held (y/n) who was chewing on his fingers, suddenly a foul odor filled the air, "Please don't tell me you..." Tiamat said as it slowly dawned on her that her child needed to be changed, "You're so lucky you're cute. I hope you know that!" She said as she changed her child.

As time went on Tiamat quickly began to change for the better. She began to go by her alias, Tori, and began to interact more and more with the humans. She had replaced the cave she had called home for over four hundred years with a lovely two-story log cabin she built herself. But the biggest change she underwent was how she viewed her son. No longer was he just another weak and fragile human who needed her protection, he was her human, he needed her to guide and protect him, he depended on her. She learned to love him. 'I won't be around forever and when I'm gone there won't be anyone to look after my precious baby. I know it would go against everything I hold dear, but...' Tiama thought, "I will teach him dragon slayer magic!" She said. Although she had made up her mind to teach her son to be a dragon slayer she was met with a great issue; his age. (y/n) was still no older than a year old so it would be impossible for him to learn dragon slayer magic. That's when Tiamat had an idea. She would implant a dragon slayer lacrima in him as well as teach him the magic herself thanks to a device she created to implant knowledge into another person. She hoped that this would make him strong enough that he would never need to fear anyone.

"Ok, sweetie come to Mama." Tiamat said as (y/n) played in the dirt just a few short feet away from her, "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know anyone lived up here!" a man said as he walked out of the forest.

" Tiamat said as (y/n) played in the dirt just a few short feet away from her, "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know anyone lived up here!" a man said as he walked out of the forest

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"It's alright, not many people know we live up here in the mountains." Tiamat said, "My name's Adrian Bellemere, I'm sorry for intruding. Please do me a favor and don't tell your husband I was here I wouldn't wanna piss him off." Adrian said, "Well you don't have to worry, I don't have a husband. My name's Tori and this is my son, (y/n)." Tiamat said, "Oh I just assumed since you're so beautiful, and since you have a son that you had a husband." Adrian said making Tiamat laugh, "So what brings you up here?" Tiamat asked as she picked up (y/n), "I came here to train. You see I'm from the Crimson Dragon guild and it's my goal to be the best member the guild ever had or will have!"  Adrian said, "Well that's quite an ambitious goal." Tiamat said suddenly Adrian drew his sword, "NOT A STEP CLOSER!" Adrian said as he rushed past Tiamat and kicked a massive Vulcan. "Pretty lady!" the Vulcan said, "I won't let you touch her!" Adrian said, "Tori, I know we don't know each other but I need you to trust me for a bit alright." Adrian said, "Alright." Tiamat said as she held (y/n) close. Adrian closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Chaos God's Apophis!" Adrian said as a shroud of pure darkness covered his blade before it began to form into a serpent, he slashed at the Vulcan and as he did the dark serpent flew into the air and grew to massive proportions before it crashed into the Vulcan. "Let me introduce myself properly. My name's Adrian Bellemere, but most know me as Calamity God." He said as he sheathed his sword and turned to face Tiamat and (y/n). At that moment Tiamat felt something she had never felt for anyone; admiration. 'This man. This man could help me protect (y/n).' Tiamat thought. "I should go." Adrian said, "Wait, please stay!" Tiamat said, "You did save our lives. It would be wrong if we didn't at least give you a place to stay for the night." She said, "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to intrude." Adrian said, "Not at all. Please say you'll stay." Tiamat said, "Alright but just for tonight." Adrian said.

As he said Adrian stayed the night with Tiamat and (y/n) and left the next morning. But once a month he made a trip up the mountain just to see them. Before long he and Tiamat fell in love resulting in her joining the Crimson Dragon guild. "Let's go out on a mission just you and me." Adrian said, "You know I'm not opposed to it, but who's gonna watch (y/n)?" Tiamat asked, "We'll take him with us! What's the worst that could happen? I mean his mom is the second strongest wizard in the guild plus I'll be there too." Adrian said, "I don't know." Tiamat said, "Look with my Evil Eye magic I can scan the area for enemies and then attack from a distance. I wouldn't let (y/n) join us if I wasn't absolutely sure that he would be safe." Adrian said, "Alright then, let's go on a mission as a family." Tiamat said as she picked up (y/n). 

'Sea Dragon's whip!' Tiamat thought as tendrils of water surrounded her attacking her opponents as she held (y/n). "CHAOS GOD'S BELLOW!" Adrian shouted as streams of pure darkness flew towards the bandits. "See, I told ya this was safe." Adrian said as Tiamat fired a stream of water past him hitting a bandit into a tree, "You're right, this is safe. Nothing says safe quite like a bloodthirsty bandit tribe." Tiamat said sarcastically, "Oh whatever you're having fun and you know it." Adrian said as he cut down bandit after bandit. "I will admit...this is fun." Tiamat said.

After they finished the job Tiamat and Adrian set up camp for the night. "Here catch." Adrian said as he tossed a small box to Tiamat, "What's this?!" Tiamat said in shock, "You know I'm no good at these things, so I won't even pretend to try and attempt this. But I think you know what it is I want to ask." Adrian said, "Yes." Tiamat said as she kissed him.

Soon after that Tiamat and Adrian got married and left the guild. Eventually, they bought their first and last house; a large mansion.

End flashback Coco POV

"Not long after they quit the guild Tia found me and took me back to her mountain home. She raised me so that I would look after you." I said, suddenly I heard soft snoring coming from (y/n). I couldn't help but smile, "Sleep well, (y/n)." I said.

The Demon's Child (male child reader X adoptive mother Mirajane Strauss)Where stories live. Discover now