Love is blind

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"What are you blind?" He barked. He was disturbed in a way, nobody ever wanted to imagine, or rather scared to imagine. "I'm so sorry... well in my defence, i am... blind." was her reply. He realized, how rude he was. Somewhere deep down, guilt did hit him, but his ego would not allow him to apologize. "Yeah so what? am I supposed to feel sorry for you?" the forced words came out of his mouth. Deciding not to stick around anymore he went his way, away from her.

"Leah? you're here.. we've been looking all over for you" said her cousin sister slapping lightly on her back. "Hey Kristen" she replied trying to hold back the tears with as much force as possible. She might as well have shed a few, because she knew that it wouldn't have bothered Kristen or anybody for that matter.

The final bell rang five minutes ahead of time to everybody's delight. Leah waited for the class to get empty before she got up to go. By the time she was out the door almost half the corridor was empty. She started feeling her way out with her hands when a faint, barely audible sound hit her. Had it been anybody else, they would've missed it, but blindness had heightened her senses.

Her steps faltered when she heard it again and it wasn't some random sound it was music. Music was the one thing that she could never keep away from. Her feet now stopped entirely. "It couldn't hurt to check it out" she said to herself and started following the music. She kept walking until she finally came in front of the storeroom. It was like nothing she had ever heard. She could not move an inch. Then suddenly the music stopped and the storeroom door burst open. "You... What are you doing here?" She recognized the voice instantly. She wasn't mistaken because it was him. Again. "You know its not polite to invade someone's privacy" he said again with the same rude tone. She finally gathered herself and said, "I'm so sorry, I was getting out of the class when I heard you playing, I couldn't stay away, you're beautiful" and instantly regretting her words she corrected, "I mean you play beautiful." He couldn't help the smile hearing that and nobody being around he did not prevent it. "Well thanks..." he said struggling to maintain the same stern tone.

Being rude and hating pretty much everything, was in his nature. But this time, he did not want to be his usual self. Something about her had affected him strongly. As the both of them stood undecided what to say, before each other for 10 very long seconds the lights went out. "Woah.." he exclaimed. 

"What happened?" she asked nervously. 

"The lights just went out, they better not have locked up.." Saying, he grabbed her arms and broke into a light run towards the exit. For better or for worse, the doors were all locked up. Even the janitor had left. He banged uselessly at the door for a few times. He swore and yelled, "Its all because of you girl." 

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to." She said in a broken voice. 

Instantly he felt bad and comforted her "I'm sorry don't cry now please" the words came out of him so gently that it even shocked him.

"Come on let's head to the storeroom and see if we can find something to light up" He said leading her again."Your parents must be worried?" he asked to break the awkward silence that prevailed as the sat around the candlelight in the cafeteria. "I live with my uncle, aunt and kristen... uncle and aunt are out of town and Kristen won't care" she sighed.

The second silence she broke,"So, you have the guitar with you, will you play something? please?" 

He was surprised at the fact that she knew that he had taken the guitar the time they went to get candles. He tried to speak but, chose to just play instead. He took the guitar and started playing. Music was the one thing that helped him hang on... to life. He kept playing she kept listening, no track of time. He opened his eyes slowly after the final stroke on the guitar. Only to find her asleep. His tunes had lulled her to sleep. He kept the guitar aside quietly as he fell asleep too, staring at her face lit up by the candlelight. He wasn't able to think. He didn't want to.

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