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The faint gasps, the erratic heartbeats from running around like loons, the breathless laughter that had subsided to a content smile...

Staring at each other, they were lost in their own perfect world.

She could never guess what went on in his head when he stared into her eyes.

For her though, the mind became a rock band trying to play a slow love song. Looking into his eyes made the rest of the world go blurry. It was easy to drown in them. Their depths held treasured memories and smiles. For those rare times when she managed to stay afloat, she felt the millions of tears that he had hidden from the world.

She soaked it all in, happiness and sadness alike.

Then she closed the distance between them and kissed his cheek. Because with every little kiss she intended to heal the deep wounds that time had given him.

He pulled her closer and stared with that relaxed smile she had rarely seen on him. She could only hope that she made him happy even a bit. For if she couldn't happiness would become a distant relative to her as well.

She giggled and put her cold hands on his neck and he smiled.

They talked mindlessly, played around like complete lunatics. In that moment nothing else mattered. Because for once, they'd decided to let themselves be happy.

Love - bites (Romance one shots)Where stories live. Discover now