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Music had always been her drug, her escape. Kind of a first love, one might call it. To her, when there was music around, nothing else existed.

But every time he played his guitar, lightly humming along, she looked at him like nothing else existed. In that moment, for the first time ever, he was the only perfection to her and the music was just a beautiful accessory.

There was something enchanting about his effortless charm. That sweet smile paired with those mischievous eyes were a skillful hunter and she was but another prey.

There was a certain confidence in his stance whenever he played, it only added to his magic. Those soft eyes concentrating on the lucky instrument, his unruly hair that fell on his forehead, those slightly parted lips that she just wanted to kiss. All of it painted a picture that made her feel like she would die a happy girl if that was the last sight she saw.

She didn't even care about the fact that the music had stopped, for the while he took to talk to their best friend, because his laughter that followed was the sweetest music ever. She stared at him in awe and smiled sadly to herself, knowing her feelings were hopeless. She would thank her lucky stars if only even a slice of those feelings could be reciprocated.

That was the moment he took to shift his gaze to her and as if on autopilot, resumed playing the guitar. This time a song that they both adored. She decided to smile in that moment, because she realized that for those sweet seconds, she had him somehow.

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