Dangerous Waters

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A/N : Adult content ahead!!!! Skip it if you aren't comfortable... 


'Dangerous waters' she thought as he kissed her neck, buckling his hips to match her rhythm. Together, they were music. She shivered under his warm touch; moaned under his feverish kisses. All thoughts had left her mind alone for once. The feeling of it was overwhelming. He, was overwhelming.

Her mind was in frenzy and her body was conflicted. She didn't know if she was trying to move away from his pleasurable torture, or move closer to it. Either way, she wasn't in possession of her body or mind. He was.

She giggled as he sucked on her stomach. He looked up with those childish eyes, smiled that mischievous smile. She smiled back, finally taking a breath. She touched his cheek wondering how she got so lucky. Her hand had a mind of its own, latching onto his hair and pulling him into a kiss.

Their tongues danced to the music of their moans. Soon enough, what started out gentle became harsh. He pinned her hands above her head and assaulted her neck making her squirm. She remembered those unholy dreams she used to have before she'd met him. This was the kind of intensity and passion she'd always dreamt of. Now that she was living it, she knew those dreams never did it any justice.

She gripped his shoulder tight. Her hands were a loose canon on his body. She sucked on the delectable skin of his neck. Moving into control, she climbed on top of him. Her eyes had taken the look of a lunatic by now. Slowly she brought her mouth to his chest, taking his nipple between her lips. She smirked internally as he sucked in a breath. Bringing her fingers to play with the unattended nipple, she was satisfied with the sound of his moans. Finally she had some effect on him too, she thought.

His moans hit her very core. His voice among other things had always been her weakness. Licking up and down his chest she sighed in satisfaction knowing she owned him. Things were heating up, more than they had anticipated.

They simmered it down for a moment, just lying beside each other. Each set of eyes, sucking the other in. They were two of the luckiest people on earth right in that moment.   

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