Boys are mean to the girls they like - 2

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Her heart stuttered as she neared the gym.

It was prom night and the gym had been transformed beautifully. 

Angel entered through the gates alone. She looked around at the students, boisterously laughing with their friends. A pang of hurt went through her, as she rued the fact that she didn't have friends.

Then again, she only really came to prom with a single silly aim in mind. She wanted atleast one dance with her crush.

All around him, his friends were dancing and laughing, but he was quiet. He had been a world class coward and hadn't asked Angel to prom. After he'd overheard Angel and Shelly's conversation that day, it was clear to him that she would've said yes, had he asked her. But he couldn't. Every time he came across her he froze and walked away.

Thus he ended up going solo. He'd had many offers but he turned them all down. He decided that if he couldn't go with Angel, then he'd go solo. 

Just when he started wondering if she'd show up or not, his breath was knocked out of him. There she was, wearing an elegantly beautiful white floor length gown. She looked every bit an angel, doing complete justice to her name. 

He saw her, moving around aimlessly until Shelly approached her. They were too far to be heard but he saw Shelly telling her something moving her hands animatedly. Angel was shaking her head at Shelly and calling out to her when Shelly went straight towards the DJ. 

Evan watched curiously as Shelly whispered something to the DJ, and the music slowed down to a romantic score.

He looked back at angel to see her looking straight at him. Instantly he looked away, pretending to talk to his friends.

Seconds passed before he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. Turning to the source, he froze. It was her. 

Angel played with her hands nervously, looking down. 

Very slowly she looked up at him and uttered the words that took his breath away.

"W..Will you with J..Just one song?"

Before he could reply his friends started laughing hysterically at her. 

"Oh my God this is hilarious..." one of them said.

"Do you really think Evan will dance with someone like you?" a girl said snootily.

Angel's eyes filled with unshed tears. She turned to run away, far from them, when Evan caught her hand. 

Looking straight at her, he answered his friends, "You're right... a peasant like me doesn't deserve to even stand next to an angel like her."

Still holding her hand, he faced his friends and said, "You guys wanted to know why I came to prom without a date didn't you? Well its because I was too much of a coward to ask Angel to prom... She was the only girl I wanted to come to prom with"

With all their mouths hanging open, he pulled her to the middle of the dance floor. Angel was speechless as he held her close and proceeded to dance.

"You didn't have to say that to them... they weren't wrong.." She said softly, moments later.

"Everything I said to them was the truth..." He admitted, looking into her eyes.

She couldn't believe the reality she was in. All she'd wanted was one dance. But he ended up dancing with her the whole night.

No confrontations were made that night. They knew that things needed to be said and clarified. But that night, nobody spoke of the past. That night they revelled in the beginning of a beautiful future.

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