She loves me, she loves me not

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Petals fall to the ground as someone picks apart a flower and says, "She loves me, she loves me not."

"She loves you not you monster, stop torturing the poor flower" she joked as she joined him on the park bench.

As if on impulse, his body became rigid, the flower now dropped and forgotten on the ground.

"Lyra..." he breathed out, as if all of his woes were healed with that word.

She looked like an angel, wearing all white. That carefree smile of hers made him wonder, was she really that unaware of his heart's desire? Her very presence made life more bearable. She was what made him want to wake up every morning. But little did she know.

He was a devil in disguise, she swore. As the idea of him was pure temptation. She hated the gall of him for trapping her with those pretty eyes. Even his voice had held such power over her that it was impossible to ignore any word he uttered. She despised him for making her fall. But little did he know.

"So who has got you tearing flowers to predict her love?" She asked with a tinge of bitterness.

He smiled looking down, she was so dense.

"Silly girl... she doesn't even see"

"See what Damien?" she asked, trying to mask her sadness.

"See how crazy I am for her, how her smile heals me, how her presence makes me feel that I'm finally whole, as cliché as it sounds. I wish she would just..."

"Just what?" She asked in a small voice.

The slight quiver in her voice made him turn to her. The angel looked sad. Why? He couldn't figure out.

Then it hit him. Could it be?

Had he been just as dense as her?

After all, Like Dr. Seuss had said, "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple." There he was, questioning the universe via a flower, if the girl of her dreams, the first and last girl he'd sworn to ever love romantically, loved her or not. Could it be that his answer was in front of him all along. He'd just been too blind to see it.

He stared into her eyes and said, "Just look at what's in front of her."

She couldn't take it. It hurt. She turned away from him. Feelings were evil, she thought.

Was that a tear? He thought. Maybe it wasn't as impossible as he had made it out in his mind. Maybe that angel could fall in love with a commoner like him.

"Um hey I've got to go" she said getting up to go.

His light was leaving, because he'd hurt her. He couldn't see that happening.

"Dance with me!" he barked out.

She stopped short. Had she heard him right?

She turned around looking perplexed. His hopeful eyes stopped any question from leaving her mind, except for, "without music?"

He played a song on his phone, setting it on the bench. How many times had he dreamed, dancing to that song with her? Countless.

Nervous hands pulled her close. Nervous hands caged his neck. They swayed in rhythm with the music and the wind.

She decided to test the waters.

"Shouldn't you be dancing with her?"

"Who?" He mumbled. He was high, from holding her in his arms. All rationality of thought had left him long ago.

"The one you're so crazy about." She spoke. Her eyes downcast

It was their moment and just for that moment she knew that she had him. No matter what the future brought. She decided to savour it.

"I am" he said, before he could stop himself.

She looked up "you are what?" was she dreaming?

"Dancing with her" there, he had finally said it.

She couldn't believe her eyes.

"I'm going to be really hurt if this turns out to be a joke" she uttered.

He couldn't hold back anymore.

Before she could comprehend his lips met hers and moved with urgency. After the shock wore off, she moved in tune with him. After what felt like a sweet eternity, they parted.

To hell with it, she thought.

To hell with it, he thought.

"I love you" they said together.

They stared at each other awestruck. Neither knew what surprised them more, their own confession or the other's.

She did the first thing that came to her mind. She slapped him.

To say that it was unexpected would be downplaying it. But then he thought, it was her, the girl he'd fallen head over heels for. Of course she would do something like that after saying something like that.

He folded his arms with an amused smile and waited for her to explain her actions.

That just fuelled her fire even more and she jumped on him, literally.

She threw punches at him like there was no tomorrow, sitting on his stomach.

"You...stupid...idiot... you made me suffer.." she said in between punches.

As much as she made him laugh, he felt it best to stop.

"Hey Hey Hey!" he exclaimed holding her hands, stopping her from assaulting him any further.

"It's not like I knew... I mean... you were always so unaffected by me... I thought you wouldn't..." he said.

"Wouldn't what?" she asked.

"I mean you're beautiful, smart, kind, a bit crazy, perfect... why would you even look at me? I'd almost given up" he said.

Her entire demeanour had now softened. That devil had done it again, melted her with his words. This time she didn't mind though.

The colours of spring perfectly complimented the blush in her cheeks. The moment he thought that she couldn't possibly look more divine, she decided to blush.

"Not like I'm not enjoying this position, but we're kind of... out in the open" he joked. It only resulted in a blow to his stomach. "Ouch!"

"Idiot" she muttered, getting off of him and walking away with a secret smile.

He stood up with a jump and ran after her like a lost puppy.

"You're beautiful"

She blushed. Stupid devil, she thought.

He decided to make it his new mission to do his best to see that blush again. Seeing the effect he had on her, it was no task at all. He decided he wanted to see it again. Slowly he put his arms around her shoulders. Sure enough those rosy cheeks made their appearance. Not being able to help himself, he kissed them.

"Damien!" she chided, secretly enjoying every second of his sweet tortures.

"Lyra!" He mocked.

They didn't know, if they'd survive, but nothing could stop them from trying. 

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