10.) Who are you?!?!

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Cameron's POV:
I hate seeing Heather go through this! Seeing her on TV dancing is just showing all of us boys how strong she is. Yes, I have a crush on Heather since 7th grade. But she broke my heart. She was literally obsessed with Nash! Her Instagram, Twitter, YouTube were all Heather Grier. I mean, c'mon. If she really is Nash's sister.

How come we only know Will, Nash, Hayes and Skyllyn? "Hey guys, where's Nash and Hayes?" Taylor asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "What made Hayes so pissed off about Heather?" Carter asked. We decided to play truth or dare while waiting for both of them while a blonde girl was walking down the stairs. Everybody's eyes were on her.

Heather's POV:
When I was going down the stairs, there were 8 boys I did not recognize. They were all looking at me. "um... Hi?" They just sat there in the circle until a boy with a bandana stood up and ran to me. He suddenly punched me in the stomach so hard I spit out some blood.

"What are you doing here bitch?!" The boy with the bandana said. All of the boys stood up and kept punching me, except some we're calling me names. "What now slut?!" A boy that actually looked hot (aka: Cam. Sorry! I don't know how to describe Cameron but hot. Ladies? Do you agree with me?)

He hit me in the jaw, which caused me to spit out more blood. They stopped and started snickering and laughing. "Wh-who are you?" Was all I could say. "MagCon boys, bitch!" The one with the bandana said, then all of a sudden a woman came in with paper bags. She screamed in the sight of me. "Heather?! What happened?!" I couldn't speak. Silence filled the room until two boys with blue eyes came down running. "What the hell!?" The boys said with blue eyes

Nash's POV:
Mom just sat there crying with her head on Heather. "mom?" Heather asked, "Heather! You got your memory back!" Mom said crying with tears of joy. "WAIT. WHAT?!" Was all the boys could say. Look boys, we need to talk. "Clearly" Carter said. I asked them to go to the living room so we could discuss everything. Even with Heather, Hayes and mom.

Ok, no commenting until I say so. "Ok?" I said. They nodded in response. "So from the very start, Cam had a crush on Heather". Heather did not blush at all, she just really didn't care.

All the boys were gonna say something but mom just hissed at them. "Cam thought that Heather liked me because all her social media was Heather Grier. You guys don't know her because I didn't want people giving her hate since she was and still is the sweetest person I know, but I ended up giving her the pain. So she was always out when you guys are here, or I would lock her in her room." I looked at Heather and mouthed at her "I'm sorry" she looked scared.

"Since you guys didn't know her, you guys thought she was obsessed with me because you said her photos were photoshopped if anybody from the family was in her pictures. You guys saw her for once and kept calling her names like, Obsessed freak. Then that's when it all started."

The boys didn't say anything. "I'm going to buy a pack of ice while you boys will not touch my baby girl. Never. Hayes!" Mom said calling out Hayes. "Yeah mom?" "Watch over your sister". Hayes nodded and talked to Heather. I told the boys to say sorry.

Heathers POV:
Hayes kept me busy. He's the nicest brother I have. In fact Will and Hayes are. I honestly wish my sister Veronica was here. Before we got here to the Grier family, she would always help me. But she's a rising actress. It was her dream to go to a filming school.

She started of modeling for small companies until the Victoria Secret organization got her. She got in to a few commercials with stars like, Jimmy Fallon, And she went on being in the 1D music video "That's What Makes You Beautiful".

"Hayes?" "Yeah?" "I don't want to stay here". I said frightened not knowing what the boys would to to me. "It's ok". After he said that the boys walked towards me. I was scared so I didn't make eye contact with them, I also stepped backwards. Cameron held his hand out, "please don't hurt me! Please"

Cameron's POV:
I held my hand out to her but she said, "please don't hurt me! Please" I looked back at the boys showing that since we bullied her, if we would go near her, all she would think is getting beat up. I looked at Nash, he spoke up "Look, Heather were just here to say we're sorry" and with that we just nodded and waiting for her to reply. She looked at us in disgust.

"That's it? That's all your going to say?!" She said. We looked down in guilt because that was really just our only apology. "Look Heather, we're really really sorry we bullied you" Jack G spoke up. "May I ask why?" She said with anger in her voice. "We thought you were a crazy obsessed fan-girl with Nash-" "WITHOUT EVEN LOOKING FOR THE FUCKING TRUTH?! YOU CONSULTED YOUR OWN! WHICH LEAD TO BEATING AN INNOCENT GIRL THAT DID NOTHING WRONG?!" Heather shot at Jack G cutting him off

Jack G had a guilt look on his face regretting what he said. "Heather, were really seriously sorry! It was a mistake! Everyone makes mistakes! Just forgive them!" Nash screamed to Heather. "You do NOT scream at me that fact I have NOT forgiven you yet!

You would be the LAST person I would ever forgive in this cruel world!" Heather screamed at Nash. "IM SAYING SORRY! IS SORRY NOT ENOUGH?!" Nash screamed. " NO NASH! IT'S NOT! THE FACT THAT YOU BULLIED YOUR OWN SISTER?!?! HOW IS "SORRY" going to make it? She said breaking her shouting. "Nash, you bullied your sister for popularity. I did nothing wrong Nash. Nothing." Heather said tears dripping down her face.

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