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Heathers POV:
Ugh, when will this bitch stop being a drama queen? I thought to myself because we are now in Nash's car to meet Luke! But guess what? She doesn't have a ride to get home and she said that she's too 'fragile' or whatever she means, to go out by herself and she just got tan and she doesn't want to get tanner because it's a desert outside. I understand that she's young, but to use the word fragile? Ummm.... No.

Hayes is asleep right now and Kennedy or Kayla or-- whatever her name is, won't stop insulting me and Nash, mostly me. She's all like, "Luke is too good for you" or "you really need to loose some weight" I don't really get offended because I know she's just doing this because she's jealous. And no one can ever separate my love for food.................

Oh, and Luke too

Plus! Why would I get offended? It's a stupid slutty girl that are saying these things! I clearly know better. I'm not being ignorant but c'mon. I get interrupted by my thoughts because of my phone ringing. I pick it up and say,

"Hello? Heather Grier Speaking"

"When will this girl shut up?" The voice asks realizing that it's Nash and he's referring to Kennedy or whatever her name is.

"Nash? We're right beside each other." I speak to the phone and hang up while Nash does the same.

"Well, were here." Nash says waking up Hayes. As the dumb little 17 year old I am I jump out of the car and hit my head. "Luke!" I scream as I see him waiting In the tree shade. He notices me and opens his arms for a hug.

"I missed you so much" he whispers in my ear. "I missed you more" I say giggling.

Luke's POV:
"I missed you more" Heather says while giggling. Man, I'm lucky to have her, I don't know why I cheated. I am so stupid. I got caught up when her lips crashed on mine. We were still there kissing when we heard a cough


We both pulled away and to see Nash. "Nash, this is Luke." "Luke, Nash" Heather says introducing us both to each other. "Nice to meet you Nash" I offer my hand to him and he accepts. "Missy, go tell Hayes to just walk Kelley home" Nash orders to Heather.

"Umm, okay" Heather gives me a 'ill be back don't worry' look before walking away.

"Look, man I'm sorry for--"
"No, you look. If you get in Heathers pants anytime soon and If you cheat on her I will chop your balls of and feed them to a zebra" He says "quoting your friend Christians vine?" I ask nervously with a slight smile. "ok I already like this guy." Nash says chuckling facing Heather.

"But like I said. I have to ask you questions" Nash says. "hit me". "First of, tell me why you like each other." "Well, your sister is smart, beautiful and talented. She's still hot when she's even in sweatpants." I say looking at Heather smiling. "Woah there mister, hold it in your pants" Hayes says rolling his eyes.

I look over to Heather to ask why is Hayes all grumpy and she just gives me a 'I don't know' look. She then answers Nash. "Well, I love Luke because he is cute, slightly smart but dumb. I know he intentionally does that to make me feel smart." Heather says hugging me. "woah, popping the L word ain't ya?" Nash says clenching his jaw.

"Well, I guess I'm supposed to go back and leave you two here and know that you aren't going to do anything stupid right?" Nash says in a jokingly manner. Or at least I think he is. "Nash" Heather warns,

"Hey I'm just kidding!" He chuckles walking back to his car.

"Oh, and Hemmings."


"Take care of my sister"

he says looking at Heather and making his eyebrows go up and down. "I love you!" Heather shouts to Nash, "Eh, I've heard better!" Nash shouts back. "So what are you up for?" I ask

"Amusement park? Ice cream shop? Chipotle? Taco Bell?" She answers "Today is a beautiful bright sunny day and from all the things that you gave me to do, all of them are food choices." I say laughing. "Hey! I said amusement park you meanie!" Heather says in a kiddy voice. "Amusement park it is" she answers herself.

Heather's POV:
Before Luke and I went to the amusement park, we just stayed in the park for about 1 hour talking about random things and about how we met.


I grab my duffel bag and put all my extra clothes, phone, towel, wallet and jug in it for my dance practice for a 5SOS concert. "Missy! You get ready like a fucking turtle! C'mon!" Will screams.

"Watch your mouth mister" Skylyn sassily says. I am currently in my room with Skylyn dressing her up because she has to come with me at my dance practice, but I don't mind. "C'mon Sky! Let's go" I say making my height to hers and I carry her because no time to waste I'm already 26 minutes late, and it's 20 minutes away from here so great! Just great!

|Skipping car ride|

I walk inside the private studio where I see the backup dancers are and the 5SOS band. Everyone glares at me with a 'wtf are you doing here?' Or a 'who the hell are you?' Look,

until the Instructor says something. "Hi, what are you doing here?" She asks and I tell her "Umm.. I'm really sorry but I'm late for the dance practice" I say while handing her the forms were supposed to give and she accepts it.

She then tells me to pick a place to be, the only spot though is at the back corner. I quickly walk to the spot because everyone was still looking at me. "Attention whore" the girl whispers to the girl right beside her and she smirks while giggling acting all 'innocent'.

While dancing, all I could think of was how am I the attention whore? Your boobs are all out I swear. I'm wearing leggings, neon yellow nike sports shoes and a black muscle tee that says 'To da judgmental people!' On the front and when I turn back, it says 'your face is funny'. "ok!- the instructor says while turning the music off- break time kids" I'm 17 and probably one of the

youngest because everyone else here looks 19-20.

Everyone goes to their own bags and grab their water bottle and so do I. I sit on the floor while drinking when these two girls walk by and 'accidentally' spills her water on me, she bends down apologizing while her other friend bends down too and spills her coke on me. "WHAT THE HELL!" I shout.

"sorry" the girl says laughing at me. "why are you laughing?" I ask obviously annoyed "it's just that your kind of an attention whore" she says. "Look who's talking!" Skyllyn says to the girl.

I laugh before saying anything
"Are you serious? You need to grow up.

Just because I came late catching everybody's attention doesn't mean I'm an attention whore. Can you even see what I'm wearing? Not 'just a sports bra that make my boobs pop out and short shorts'" I say but making abbreviation marks with my hands on

'just a sports bra that make my boobs pop out and short shorts'

And then long story short, Luke and his so called mates stood up for me then after that he asked if I was ok then the dance practice ended and I didn't have a ride so I ended up waiting on the streets for a cab until Luke found me waiting and asked me if he could give me a ride home then he asked for my number, we became friends for 2 and a half months until he asked to be his


Hola Amiga's👋 sorry for not updating for a long time because I don't really have wifi all the time.

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