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"We are here" Matt says in a royal like way. "The King is here." Cam says in a British accent.

"Too bad the Queen isn't" I say looking back at them. Matt was in the left window side, while Luke was in the middle, and Cam in the right window side.

"Are you okay with being in the middle?" I ask Luke looking concerned because he dislikes the middle seat.

"As long as you're here" Luke says smiling. "You're so cheesy" I roll my eyes at him.

"But you love it." he says getting closer to my face. "I don't" I tell him smirking. "Yes you do" he says getting closer.

"Maybe I do" I say getting closer. He also comes closer and I give him a quick peck.

"Alright love birds, lets go before anything inappropriate happens" Mahogany says breaking us up, starting the engine.

Heather's POV:
"Thank God it's over. I think we spent four and half hours in that mall." Cameron complains stretching his arms.

"Heather has five bags full of clothes. FULL! While Mags has seven bags, FULL! Of clothes." Matt says, his eyes widened

"Who needs that much clothes?" Matt continues

"Luke, do you have anything to say to your girlfriend?" Cameron asks Luke.

I look back at them my left eyebrow raised interested on what Luke has to say.

"I-uh" Luke stutters. " It's kinda normal, but Heather doesn't shop all the time, actually it's rare for her to shop. But if she does, it's probably the second time of the year." He continues.

"See, you guys. You just really need a girlfriend to actually know." Mahogany says laughing.

"Yup" I agree popping the 'p'

Before I knew it, Mahogany was parking in front of the club.

"Wow, the was fast" Cam says shocked.

"So guys, I was actually just supposed to bring one friend which is Heather, she doesn't need to pay. But for you guys, you need to" Mahogany informs us

"How much?" Matt asks.

"About fifty dollars" Mahogany says. "That's a just for an entrance fee" Cam says checking his wallet.

"It's because this is where the rich people go clubbing". Luke says

"You've been here?" Everybody asks Luke, including me.

"Yeah, the band was invited"

"When was this?" I ask him curious because I never knew.

"Three days after tour ended" he says shrugging.

"Alright, all good?" Mahogany asks

"Yeah" We all say in unison.

I unbuckle my seatbelt as the door was opened by Luke. I smile sweetly taking his hand and intertwine our fingers.

We walk behind Cam, Mahogany and Matt.

"Don't you dare drink more than five. That's the time you get crazy." I whisper to Luke as he chuckles. "I can't really keep promises" He says.

"Hey! I'm serious!" I tell him slapping his arm playfully, silence slowly stretched us.

"But for real, I really don't want you to have a hangover." I tell him seriously.

He sighs rolling his eyes and releases his grip on my hand as he still walks not even looking back, and I'm just here staying in the same position shocked.

"He just let go of my hand." I whisper to myself. I don't really expect this kind of attitude from Luke because he's the 'touchy' type of person.

(No, not the dirty kind of way)

I catch up to Luke not bothering to hold hands. "What's up with you?" I ask him a bit too harsh than I meant it to come out.

He ignores my question by rolling his eyes.

We enter the club which was full of wasted people, drinking, grinding, making out.

"Hey Heaths! I'll be up there" Mags says shouting in my ear because of the blasting music and points to the stage where she was supposed to DJ.

No one really knew, but I have had interests in DJ. There were only two people on earth who knew.

Veronica and Mags (A/N: If you still have no clue who Mags is, that's Heathers nickname for Mahogany.)

I noticed that Veronica and I haven't communicated for a very long time. If I could, I would send her messages but you would have to pay a lot of money communicating to a person out of the country. I've also sent her direct messages, but she hasn't seen them.

It disappoints me to see her on bill boards sometimes and she doesn't even know that I'm trying to reach her. It's almost like.

She forgot about her little sister. Her only sister. By only sister, I mean by blood.

I decide to put those thoughts aside and have some fun. I see Cameron and Matt talking to two guys with a drink in their hands, but I can't seem to find Luke.

I shouldn't worry too much about Luke because he wouldn't just go have sex with some girl he doesn't know, he isn't that type of guy.

I walk to bar and ask for a drink. I go on my phone while waiting for the bartender to finish my drink.


Hamilton Poo Grier💩 (7) 20 minutes ago

Benjamin Poo Bear Grier💩🐻 (12) 15 minutes ago

Mic-hair Clifford🙆 (3) 3 minutes ago

I slide to Nash's messages first

(7)IM WATCHING U 👀👆👇👉👈💪💪💪💪💪💪

I then open to Hayes'

(1) Wru?👀
(3)I'm bored
(4) buy me 🌟💴💵💷💶 pls
(5) Get me Java chip
(6) I'm gonna text like Andrea bc she ratchet in 3...2...1 GO: Guuuuurl wt u doin bitch?
(7) I don't fu wt u
(8) I like dat song bc y not?
(9) OMG, like! Do you know Hayes Grier? Like omg!! Soooo HOOOOOT!!!!!! I can't! I think I'm gonna faint!
(10)He is WAYYYYYYYY! Hotter than Nash Grier! Like, in a scale of 1 to 500?? Like OMG! Totes 501!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!

I open Michael's
(1) Ash, you know what tacos do to u? Becuz I have no idea.
(2) I feel like poo should be canned. I don't know why
(3) shit. Sorry Heather! I meant to send this to Ashton!

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