Sweetly Delighted

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Sometimes you were so quiet Tommy could quite honestly forget to check if you were sitting in your corner at closing. He'd once locked you in and came home to you ringing from the Garrison, hoping he'd be back soon to let you out. You'd sit in your corner drawing the guests and the room. When he'd had the pub done up he'd had a little space made for you, tucked away.

The seat was always reserved, the regulars would shoo new comers out of it. Tommy had little draws installed in the bar in front of the seat filled with pens, inks, paints, pencils. Anything you could need was there. The bar was adjusted exactly so you could sit and draw. You'd never asked how much Tommy had spent on it. As a birthday gift he and his family had paid for you to go to London and train at an art college. You felt out of place at first, you enjoyed staying with Ada, but the other women in your classes were high born noble women. You were more than relieved to get back home.

Arriving home you told them about a nice man from London buying all your paintings. Though when you thought about it he'd referred to Ada by name and it was very likely Tommy had requested they purchased your art for them. Today inspiration had struck. Sort of. You had an urge to draw but there wasn't anything around you that inspired. You'd tried walking by the docs. You'd drawn horses with Curly and sat with Charlie on his break, drawing the workmen that bustled by as he ate.

Still nothing struck you as awe inspiring enough to do more than doodle. You needed something interesting to draw. Someone whose face you knew well enough that you were comfortable drawing it. But still. Something nice to look at. Leaning your arms on the bar you popped your head on your arms and sigh. Tommy burst into the room, pouring himself a drink as he sat at the bar. He took a few swigs then leant on his arms as he sighed. The light cut across him in just the right way. With a gasp you scrambled to get a new sketchbook, digging out your favored pencil from one of the little drawers. Tommy hadn't even realised you were there. He gave you a curious look. "No! Look back the way you were!" You insisted in a tone of curt disapproval. He raised his eyebrows. He wasn't used to being talked to like that.

He sat as still as he could, leaning on his hands. It was quite something having an excuse to sit with his thoughts. If he slouched or moved too much you would huff and tut. You drew for a long while. Long enough that the bartenders started arriving for the evening rush, turning on the lights and lighting candles. Once you were happy you hopped down from your seat. You approached Tommy who stretched a little as you set the drawing in front of him. He looked at it, smiling, he was always impressed with your drawings. He liked to collect them to show Polly and boast about investing in your art classes as a good choice. Polly was collecting enough to set up an art show now. Not that they'd told you yet.

"Thank you Tommy." You said cheerfully. You had charcoal smudges on your cheeks and clothes but you looked so sweetly delighted with your work he didn't tell you. "You were exactly what I needed to draw. I have so many ideas now!"

You clapped your hands and went back to your seat, which was weighed down with art supplies and rushed off. Tommy looked down at the drawing and smiled, picking it up as he took his drink to the back room.

Thomas Shelby ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now