🌃 Chapter 2 🌃

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I finally found out what uber-ing was like a nonregulated taxi service. I smiled once we got to the house.

"Thanks for the ride," Reina said to our driver she nodded back at us.

She led me to the front doors and unlocked them.

"We're home!" She called and David emerged from the kitchen.

"Just in time, I was just about to call Nicki to come and set the table." He informed us.

"I got it. Nicki come down here for a sec!" She yelled facing the stairs straight ahead of me.

"Coming!" I heard her call a few seconds as she started coming down the stairwell.

She was beautiful, to say the least. She started at her feet until midway and we locked eyes. I smiled and she dropped her head down blushing a bit. I didn't notice how small she was until she was standing in front of me she was built like a grown woman and I looked like I was 13. I mentally frowned until she reached her hand to me.

"Hi. I'm Nicki." Was all she said as we shook hands.

"Robyn," I said simply nodding.

"Nicki why don't you show Robyn around while we get dinner ready," Reina said and she nodded.

Reina turned the corner and Nicki stood there for a moment I guess thinking about how she should approach me.

"You know I don't bite." I joked and she laughed moving a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know what to say."

"I understand."

She reached her hand out to me and I took it.

"Let's start with your room." We walked up the stairs and around the corner.

The room was amazing, to say the least, I lived the way they set it up.

"Wow." Was all I said as I looked around.

"You like it?" She asked her hands behind her back as she rocked on her feet back and forth.

"Yeah I love it," I said with a smile and she nodded.

"That's your closet and that's your bathroom. You have a jacuzzi tub and a high powered shower. We have 3 master bedrooms and 1 guest room." She informed me.

I was really happy because everything was nice and spacious. After I finished evaluating the room I nodded at Nicki.

"What's next?"

"My room." She said simple and led me there.

We seemed to be total opposites. Color wise I love dark things her room is baby pink. I mentally shook my head no wonder she's a softie.

"Nice," I said and she nodded.

"Let's go." She took my hand and led me back downstairs.

We walked to the back of the house and showed me the backyard. They have a bar, grilling area, pool, jacuzzi, a lounge area covered by shade and uncovered, and a hammock.

"This place is pretty," I admitted and she smiled.

"Like you." She joked and I laughed.

"That was so corny."

"Hey, one of these days you'll appreciate my corniness."

I wrapped my arm around her and smiled.

"I hope I will." She smiled and walked me back to the kitchen.

Her parents looked up at us as we walked in. We let each other go and sat down in front of them. They smiled at each other and started to put food on our plates. Once everyone was settled the questions began.

"So Robyn, if you don't mind, could you tell us a little about yourself," Reina suggested and I put my fork down.

"My parents died from a drunk driving accident when I was 10. I didn't have any known family so I was put into foster care. I've been to 6 different homes already." I explained and they nodded.

"I'm s-"

"You don't have to say that. I heard it too many times I'm sorry to cut you off." I looked at my plate as I said so.

"It's okay." She said and I glanced up at her.

"You excited to go to school?" David asked quickly changing the subject.

"Not really." 

"I'll be there you have nothing to worry about," Nicki said as she placed her hand on mine on the table which made me smile at her cuteness.

"Thank you, Nicki."

After dinner, Reina and Davis walked me to my room. I sat on the bed and they stood in front of the door at a respectful distance.

"So how do you like your room?" Davis questioned and I smiled picking up a pillow and squeezing it.

"I love it," I said and buried the bottom half of my face into the pillow.

"That's great. I'm happy you like it. Today's been a long day rest up we have some family things to do."

"Like what?" I asked raising a brow which made him laugh.

"It's a surprise," Reina answered and wrapped her arm around Davis.

"Good night," Davis said as Reina nodded with a smile.

"Good night," I said and they closed the door.

I put the pillow down and sighed. I was exhausted keeping my cool around him. Ugh, Stepdaddy Davis is fine. I groaned and there was a small knock on the door. I bit my lip before I said a small "Come in."

Nicki peeked through the door before opening it completely coming in. I motioned for her to close the door and she did so joining me on the bed.

"This is yours." She handed me a black and red diamond I phone.

"Oh, thanks. No sense cause I don't know anyone."

"That's a lie. You know us now." She informed me and I signed.

"Yeah, your right."

"Our numbers are in there. Also, mom doesn't really check my phone so I doubt she'll check yours."

"Thank for telling me."

"Well good night."

"Good night."

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