👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Chapter 3 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

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I woke to a knock on my door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Come in," I said softly.

"Good morning," Nicki said as she entered my room carrying a bowl with two forks in hand.

"Good morning," I said back smiling at her as she sat on my bed next to me.

"So how did you sleep?" She asked as she handed me a fork.

She sat the bowl of fruit between us and I stabbed at the kiwi.

"Pretty good actually. Normally I'd be in a room with a bunch of other girls my age never quiet. Let's just say at first it was hard to sleep for a bit. I played some games on the phone to pass some time before I was out."

"Oh dang. Must have been stressful." She hinted biting into a strawberry.

"Yeah at first being alone was hard. Having no one there to fend for you having to do everything for yourself at such a young age. It was tough."

"I could only imagine." She said reaching over to put her arm around me.

I leaned into her enjoying this side hug before there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I called and our 'parents' opened the door.

"Good morning ladies." Davis chimed with an arm around his wife.

"Good morning." We chimed in unintentional unison looked at each other and laughed.

"Breakfast is almost ready so get dressed and be downstairs in 15 minutes. We got a long day ahead so dress comfortably." Reina informed us and I nodded.

They left and closed the door back.

"You know you say your shy, but you've been very talkative to me," I suggest to Nicki.

"That's only because we're supposed to be sisters. Were supposed to be close." She nudged me hopping off of my bed.

"Hmm, I guess you're right." I agreed and she smiled at me before she left.

I hopped in the shower before I got dressed for the day force of habit. I did my makeup swiftly and grabbed my phone stuffing it in my pocket before going down the stairs. I sat next to Nicki at the table as last night. I'm assuming this will be a regular thing for us.

"Where are we going?" Nicki asked as they sat our breakfast in front of us.

"You'll see when we get there," Reina said and Nicki sighed.

I mean I would've done the same thing I'm curious as to where we going too. I just sat back and ate my food and enjoyed the view of Davis. The way his jawline moved as he ate his food was super sexy. It was strong and firm. I wonder what else he does that looked like that. I snapped back to reality when Reina stood up and took everyone's plates to the kitchen with a smile on her face.

"Alright ladies let's head to the car," Davis said with the clap of his hands.

Me and Nicki followed him to the car and got situated in the back seat as we waited for Reina to join us. Once she got into the car she clicked her seatbelt on and leaned over to kiss Davis.

"I love you." She muttered against his lips and he smiled pressing his forehead to hers.

"I love you too." He said swiftly and they settled into there seats.

He started the car and we were off as he placed his hand behind Reina's seat as he backed out of our parking space. Once he turned around to focus on the road Nicki turned to me and made a barking face. I smiled and pretended to laugh as I thought about Davis doing the same with me made my heart skip a beat.

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